September 1, 2012

Hello World!

Hello world! This is my first post.
It's so nice to meet you, I'll be your host.

I hope you'll have patience as I learn what to do,
It may take some time but I hope it's fun for you!

I may write a poem or review a book I've read
Or just talk about life and what so and so said.

I love my Savior so I will mention His name,
And I'll try not to write anything too lame.

I've been a reader of blogs for quite a while now,
And decided to start my own somehow.

Thank you for reading these thoughts from my head,
I hope they're not confusing, and make sense instead.

I think my new venture will be exciting and fun,
So cheers to the future, this poem's now done!


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! :)

  2. Thank you Suey! I do believe it will be a wonderful world! :)

  3. Welcome to the world of book blogging! It's a really fun place to be. I'm glad Suey "met" you this week, so I could find you, too :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Thank you Susan! I so enjoy reading all the blogs I've found, and am excited to be writing my own. I just checked out your blog and it looks like great fun! I'm glad to "meet" you too. :)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)