November 28, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Unwrapping Christmas

Four hodgepodges til Christmas in case you were wondering. {Yikes! Where has the time gone?}

1.  With that being said I think I need to dive right in to some Christmas related questions, don't you? Which do you prefer-pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow?  What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion?

I prefer gift wrap with a bow, but I hardly ever have a box to put the gift in so I usually just use a gift bag. And if I'm taking the gift somewhere, a bag is much easier to carry. But gift wrap is so much fun to tear open! :) As for right this very minute, there is exactly one gift wrapped and that's only because Barnes and Noble offered free gift wrapping last Saturday. Otherwise I would have no gifts wrapped at all.

2.  What is one item on your Christmas list this year?

I'm boring. I asked for gift cards to Amazon. I love, love, love my Kindle and I have quite a few books I would like to buy and download. :)

3.  What makes a home?

The people that live there and how they make you feel when you visit. It doesn't matter if the house is clean or messy, or if the yard is gorgeous or needs work, or if the people are wealthy or poor. For me, it all comes down to how friendly and welcoming the people are that live there. I will completely forget my surroundings if we're in a great conversation or playing a game or just simply having a wonderful time. Does that make sense? If I can come over to your house and make myself comfortable on your couch and we can chat a while about anything and everything,and you make it clear that I'm welcome back again, that's the kind of home I like to visit. That's the kind of home I hope I have. Where you feel comfortable as soon as you enter the door.

4.  Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday on Hodgepodge Day-November 28th. Are you a fan of the Motown sound?  If so, who's your favorite Motown artist and/or song? Here's a list in case you're stuck.

I looked at that list and had never heard any song on it. So I have no idea if I'd like it or not.

5.  Red or green-which one is more prevalent in your closet?

Red. (I actually had to go look in my closet and count how many of each I have. :)

6.  True or false-bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what's your favorite dish made with bacon?

FALSE FALSE FALSE!!!!  I freely admit right up front that I am NOT a fan of bacon. Never have been. If bacon is in a dish (like salad) and easy to pick out, I will absolutely pick it out. If it's mixed in a casserole or something with lots of other flavors, I will eat it then as the other flavors usually help drown it out. But I would prefer no bacon in anything I'm eating. And actually most people think I'm very peculiar when they find that out. I love ham and pork, but can't stand bacon. Go figure. Mostly it's that smoky bacony flavor. Yuck. It's okay, I know I'm weird. :)

7.  Share a favorite holiday memory.

One of my older brothers and I were always the first ones up on Christmas morning. And we were always incredibly impatient for everyone else to come out. It was the rule that absolutely no gifts could be opened until everyone was out in the living room. And we were not allowed to go wake anybody up either. Everyone had to come out of their own accord, when they were ready. Man that was torture! :D Every other morning of the year, I had trouble waking up, but not Christmas morning! Christmas Eve I could barely make myself go to sleep and in the morning I was awake bright and early with no trouble at all. My eyes would pop open and I'd jump out of bed! I'd race out and see if anybody was up yet and plop down and wait. Looking back at Christmas' past, that's what I remember most. Trent and I curled up in the chairs by the fireplace, where the gifts were all stacked, talking and wondering when everyone else would wake up. We'd shake a few boxes and count the gifts and stare at our stockings. I'm sure it wasn't that long until most everyone else was up and about, but to us it felt like hours and hours. I can't remember a lot of the gifts I received, but I do remember those moments with just Trent and I and the early morning quiet.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I love the Christmas season! I usually fly home to visit my family sometime. Since I have to purchase a plane ticket, I don't bring a lot of gifts. I tell them that my gift for Christmas is them getting to see ME!  :D I'm extra thrilled this year, since I get to be at the big family Christmas on my dad's side, with all my cousins and aunts and uncles. I love my family! Since I live so far away, I'm not always able to schedule my trips back to be able to go to this family Christmas. So it will be great seeing everyone. When you don't see people for a year or two, kids grow up and I don't recognize them anymore. Sometimes I can't even remember their names! I was actually looking at a family photo of some of my cousins on Facebook today, and I couldn't remember a couple of their kids names. I should totally know them! But my mind drew a complete blank. Guess that's what happens as you get older and time passes, right? (Since being in your 30s is "old" and all. ;) Anyway all this babble to basically say that I'm really looking forward to going home for Christmas and seeing everybody. :) I hope your Christmas season is sparkly and fun and filled with joy!

Toodle-loo kangaroos!


  1. I've asked for several gift cards, as well. Just not to Amazon. lol

  2. The Kindle is a great device. Hope you get lots of good reads for Christmas.

  3. I love books however I am not into Kindle yet.

    1. It took me a while to want one. But what pushed me over the edge was that there was never enough room in my suitcase for all the books I wanted to take with me on a trip. With my Kindle, I have over a hundred all conveniently in one package! It's wonderful for traveling. :)

  4. I am happy to report my shopping is 99% done and my gifts are all wrapped. I love this giving gifts and have a hard time thinking of things I want. Poor hubby, it's hard to shop for me but he always comes through and gets me really nice things.

    1. Wow! That's great Karen! Now you can just enjoy the season without having to shop, shop, shop. :) I have a hard time coming up with things I want too. But my stack of to read's keeps getting bigger and bigger, so giftcards to Amazon are awesome!

  5. Awww that's a cute memory with Trent. I remember a similar one with my brothers. It's the moments that matter :)

    1. Thanks! Those little moments seem to be what I remember most about my childhood. Good memories are so fun. :)

  6. Can you gift wrap yourself? Have your family up wrap you? Wouldn't that be fun!
    Yep with have to agree to disagree about the bacon. LOL I think everyone gets up early and excited for Christmas! We have the same rule to wait until everyone is up and around the tree. Drives my boys N U T S!

    1. Hmmm. Might have to try that this year. I bet I could surprise my nieces and nephews! What a great idea! Thanks. :D

  7. What great answers! And, what a great memory with you & your brother. I'm right there with you on the bacon. I'll eat it alone (or in a BLT sandwich!), but don't put it in anything else! And, Bacon Bits: YUCK!
    I'm definitely going to have to put Amazon Gift Cards on my list!

  8. I love the book tree! How clever!

    1. Isn't it cute? I've seen lots of pics around the web of book trees, but this one is my favorite.

  9. I've spent some Christmases far from family so I get it. How nice you'll be there for the big celebration. Have a great day!

  10. The book tree is wonderful. :)

    Yay for traveling home to be with family! I feel the same way about my extended family's children, even with Facebook it can be difficult to remember who is who and how old they should each be now. Psst...I refuse to believe that 30ish makes us old. My body, on the other hand, tells me otherwise! :P

    1. Yes, even with Facebook it is definitely hard to remember everyone's names. Especially as they grow so fast! And that saying about how you're only as old as you feel? Well, let's just say I don't feel 16 anymore and leave it there. ;)

  11. You can never go wrong with gift cards to Amazon, as far as I'm concerned. So thrilled that you get to go home for Christmas...there's nothing better, is there?

  12. I actually asked for Amazon gift cards too but got all yelled at for asking for gift cards... but Amazon has EVERYTHING!!!! :)

    LOVE that book tree!!!!

    1. Exactly! Amazon does have everything! I understand that buying a giftcard doesn't feel personal, but if that's what the person wants, why not? The only problem I have is narrowing down what to buy with the giftcard. :D

  13. hi hi! I wish amazon didn't start taxing us! I'll still buy from there though i never once had a complaint about their service so why not?! :) I also asked for a itunes gift card. Hope your thanksgiving was a good one. Yes my niece's pie was very good and when i was 9, i was quite the wild child i admit.

  14. Gift cards are a good idea.

    I enjoyed reading your Christmas memory. :) Bethany

    1. Thanks! I never complain about receiving giftcards. I actually love getting them. :)

  15. Ohhhh! I hope you get your Amazon gift cards. I have never thought about asking for those! I ordered a new Kindle for Christmas... the kids were jumping and one of them landed on my old one and shattered the screen. :-(

    1. I'm hoping so too! And I hope you get your Kindle for Christmas. So sad about your old one. :( I hope you get it and some Amazon gift cards so you can get some new books too! :)


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