January 30, 2013

Playing Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching as the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49er's in the Superbowl.  What was the last event you attended that could be described as super?

Super, eh? Well, it all depends on your definition of 'super' I suppose. But I think I'll go with an opportunity that came up two years ago. Several friends and I went to a book signing for Ree Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman. A four hour wait in line seems long, but with seven of us sitting in a corner and chatting, the wait went pretty fast actually. I'm not certain how many people were there, but the bookstore was crammed in every space, so a whole lot. It may not have been as 'super' as a football game with millions watching, but it was pretty awesome to me! :)

2.  Share something you're a fan of these days?

I read My Hands Came Away Red by Lisa McKay during my trip home over the holidays. (My review is here.) It swept me up and wouldn't let me go. It was such an incredibly awesome story! I have been talking it up to anyone who likes to read. It is an excellent, excellent story and if you get the chance to try it, I highly recommend it! :)

Also The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is getting more awesome (if that's possible :), go watch the videos if you haven't seen them yet. But only if you like Jane Austen and aren't a purist as it's a modern update on Pride and Prejudice.

3. How do you feel about wings?  In case anyone is confused, I'm talking the edible appetizer kind.  What's your preferred seasoning on a wing-hot, mild, teryiaki, sweet and sour, other?  Do you make your own or is there a favorite place you like to go for wings?   

I like wings, but I don't have them much. (As in I can't even remember the last time I did.) As for seasoning, as long as it's not extremely spicy, I'll at least try it. I don't really have a "preferred" seasoning.

4.  As long as we're talking sports today...have you followed the Lance Armstrong story?  Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks?  

The only things I know about this story is what the headlines read online. So....very little. Therefore I don't really have an opinion other than I think taking anything to enhance your athletic ability is very silly, not to mention it has to be terrible on your body.

5.  What's a question you hate to be asked?  

"And who is your husband?" or "Are you seeing anyone?" The person always means well, but after I have to tell them "I'm not married" and "no I'm not seeing anyone", there's always that awkward pause where they feel like they have to say something in return but they don't know what and now they've gotten themselves in a spot they didn't mean to. In other words, it just makes things AWKWARD!

6. The coaches in this Sunday's big game happen to be real life brothers.  Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er's and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens.  Were you and your sibling(s) competitive?  In what way? Are you still?  If you're an only child how did you handle competition growing up?  

I don't really remember being competitive with my brothers. We probably had our moments, but none stick out right now. Although.........perhaps you would consider this competition? We had loads of Archie comics when I was growing up and we always seemed to want to read the same ones at the same time. Sharing and not getting mad at each other were our biggest problems! :D

7.  What's your favorite game involving a ball and when did you last play?    

Athletic I am not. But as a spectator I enjoy baseball. My roommate got me onto it because she always watches the World Series every fall. It would do me no good to attempt to actually play baseball though, I'm terrible! Truly terrible. So I try to excel at cheering on the sidelines or in front of the TV. ;)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

YouTube is way too addicting! I start with one video and then just one more, which leads to this one and this one and this one and it just explodes on from there. It's completely ridiculous, but I'm the one clicking so obviously I'm the ridiculous one. :) Anyhoo, one day in my meanderings, I came upon this little gem which made me laugh and laugh. It's evidently part of a british TV show which I've learned can have some humor that is a little crude for me. But this little video is hilarious and short, so I wanted to share it so you could laugh too! :D

Toodle-loo kangaroos! Happy Wednesday! :)


  1. To question 5) I totally agree! That's a none of your business question!

  2. This is a good group of questions. I would join in with a post of my own, but I already have my posts up for today. Anyhow, Last super event I attended was our "Children's Workers breakfast" at church--an appreciation/training time for the volunteers.

    My favorite game I played with a ball was tennis last fall.

    I enjoyed the video--thanks for the morning laugh!

    1. I have tried tennis before, but I'm terrible at it too. I just have no athletic ability whatsoever!

  3. I met the Pioneer Woman last year at a book signing-it was super : ) I went with a friend I met through blogging who happens to live near me (Kim from Kimberly's Korner). It was a lot of fun.

    I agree-youtube is addicting!

    1. She's just as fun in person as she seems online and on TV isn't she? :)

      Way too many hours have I spent on youtube!

  4. Oh, I can see why that hated question would irk you to no end. Why do people always think that someone needs to be married to be happy? I'll never know.

    1. I'll never know either. Seems crazy to me.

  5. Good morning! How exciting to meet the Pioneer Woman! I would have loved that! The video was quite funny...thanks for making me laugh first thing!

    1. She's just as fun in person as she seems like she would be! It's definitely a favorite memory of mine. :)

  6. Since I travel so much I have found that asking about marriages can be very awkward. Now I ask how many cruises have you been on instead.

    1. I'd be willing to answer that question! I haven''t been on any of course, but I'd still be a lot more willing to answer that one. :)

  7. ha ha. Your answer to number 5 was very similar to mine. It's when it's asked with that awkward pause because the person clearly thinks that being single must be the worst thing on the planet...!

    And my friends love Miranda - it's a bit of a cult thing in UK and I think Australia now too.

    1. Yes, that's happened to me too! Like people don't realize that we can still be happy. Crazy.

      All I know of her show is what I've seen on youtube, but it certainly seems like it would be a laugh a minute! :)

  8. What a funny clip! I was laughing at it when my teen came down this morning so I shared it with him and he just about died laughing too! What a great way to start the morning! And thanks for the book suggestions - I may just go to the library and see if they have those two!

    1. I hope you do get to read it and enjoy it. I think it's my favorite read from last year. It's just wonderful! :)

  9. That would be neat to see Pioneer Woman! I remember those Archie comics.

    1. I loved Archie and all his friends. We literally had loads of comics and spent many, many, many hours reading of their adventures. :)

  10. I love that clip - how funny! Youtube is amazing, you can find anything. A gentleman at church who does not use a computer asked if I could find how to change his radio out of his 95 Taurus. I actually found a clip on youtube. Unbelievable! Enjoyed your answers!
    until next time... nel

    1. It amazes me too, what you can find on youtube. Anything you can imagine! Thanks for stopping by.

  11. omgoodness. I loved that video. I am bad about spending too much time on youtube and pinterst both. I just keep going and going from one idea to the next.

    1. Me too! Pinterest, oh boy. I go to just look for a few minutes and hours later I realize, Oh I never ate supper and now it's bedtime! Sigh. And then I do it again another day. :D

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog and praying for the family I mentioned who lost their home in a fire and their dad to cancer--all in the past month. His funeral is tomorrow.

    On a happier note, that video clip was hysterical ! I needed a bit of cheer tonight. Thankx.

    1. I will continue to pray! And I'm so glad I could provide you with some cheer. :)

  13. Great post! I'm not much interested in the Super Bowl, but I do love wings :)


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