March 10, 2013

Little Letters Fourth Edition

Dear Dad, I hope your birthday was all things awesome! It was wonderful to chat. Thanks for being the best dad a gal could ask for. (No, that was not sarcastic! Why are you shaking your head at me?)

Dear Echinacea/Sudafed/All Cold Medicines, you were close and intimate friends this last week. And you were good to me. But I'm hoping our relationship is slowing down now. I'd prefer it actually. It's not you, it's me.

Dear Puffs People, whoever invented your tissues with lotion in them should be given an award! My poor "Rudolph"-like nose was very appreciative of your goodness. Your presence was so comforting and soothing. "A nose in need deserves Puffs indeed." And boy did mine deserve it!

Dear New Friend, it was so fun to unexpectedly run into you today! Your memory of details is amazing considering we've only met once before. Especially since I couldn't even remember your name. But I did remember your face! That counts, right? Luncheon was delicious, thanks for the invite. I should especially thank you for introducing me to.....

Dear Kolachy/Pastry Thingy, you are AMAZING! You remind me very much of the Apricot Pockets from my favorite bakery that closed down a few years ago (pause for a moment of sadness *sniff sniff*). Thank you for coming into my life! Although it's probably a really good thing we don't live that close to one another, as I'd almost certainly stop by every single day otherwise.

Dear Sense and Sensibility 2008, I'm looking forward to showing your delightfulness to new viewers soon. They long to be introduced to "Matthew" with brown hair. I still think it's amusing that I knew him first through you. Can't wait to watch you again!

Dear Time Change, I'm not a fan of your spring arrival at all. My "aging" bones now take a while to adjust after you happen. I'd really prefer the Fall version of you actually. How about working on that option?

Dear Clean and Fresh Sheets, your loveliness is wonderful. Your smell. Your crispness. You make my bed even more awesome than usual!

Dear New Week, I'm planning on you being awesome and fabulous and terrific. Don't let me down, okay?

 Toodle-loo kangaroos!


  1. Ooo I hope you are feeling better. Lotion + Tissues = best invention ever. Pastries of any kind delight me, that kind seems particularly delish. I will have to try to find one. Love that Sense and Sensibility version. While S&S is not my top favorite by Austen, I still love it for it's Austenian goodness. I always feel I want to see more of the leads and their loves together more in the movie and yet they are all kept a part for like the whole thing until the end...But Jane you were still a genius so I will be content that at least it ends perrrfectly. And of course that version does indeed have Matthew...:) a plus.
    I stayed up reading wayyy to late last night and forgot I would be loosing an hour to boot. Big Shame. Loved reading your letters! :) Fun, fun...happy Sunday Kara!

    1. Jeanine, I am feeling better. Thanks! And YES! Lotion in tissues is definitely the best invention. I still think the inventor should get some kind of award. ;P

      S&S isn't my favorite either, but this version was fabulously done in my opinion. You can never go wrong with an Austen adaptation! I even like the newest Persuasion, though I do admit it mostly has to do with Rupert Penry-Jones. :D I can totally understand your feelings on not enough couple time together. That last scene goes by way too quickly!

      This time change is a doozie on me. It always takes a few days for me to adjust, which I do not appreciate. Perhaps you were able to get a nap today to make up for that late night? It's always so frustrating when I forget about it. My parents were an hour late to church a few years ago. Of course they didn't realize it until they were inside and then it was too late not to be noticed. So now I'm completely paranoid it's going to happen to me someday.

      Thanks for reading! These letters are so fun to write. Just have to remember not to bombard my readers with them. Must. Exercise. Restraint. :D

    2. Oh yesss I LOVE persuasion...the new version was very good...LOVED Rupert as Captain Wentworth. The girl who played Anne was okay but as with the 90's version (which was also very good) something a little annoying about her. I want them to remake that story again-only LONGER this was only like 90 lame-o minutes...not enough time to do the story justice. That book is my fav of all of Austen's. I was able to rest up today, it was quite the weekends! :) That's crazy about your parents...haha you need to stop worrying about it, you'll only jinx yourself haha jk :)

    3. YES yes yes yes yes!!!! So agree! They totally need to remake it again and actually do the story the justice it deserves. And for sure go longer than 90 minutes. At least 3 or 4 hours, come on BBC! I know we can't be the only people who feel this way! :D But anyway, I could stare at Rupert's face for quite a while. I certainly appreciated the close ups they did of him! ha :D It's my favorite of Austen's books also. That letter. Sigh. So lovely. Time for a reread!

      You're right. I know you're right. I'll only jinx myself. Probably already have and it's just waiting to surprise me some year. :) But truly, I'm going to miss that hour this week. I like my sleep!

  2. I hate daylight savings time too. I lost two hours today when I accidently slept in an hour later than normal. I feel robbed. There's a S&S 2008? Where have I BEEN?

    1. Oh no Giulia! Two hours?! You were totally robbed! That stinks. Hope the rest of your week goes way better!

      Yes, with Dan Stevens as Edward Ferrars. It's three hours long and wonderfully done. I still love the Emma Thompson version, but I really like this one too. If you get a chance to watch it, let me know what you think! :)

  3. Happy week, Kara - hope it's a BIG improvement over the last for you. :)


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