April 24, 2013

A Flowery And Romantic Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April showers bring May flowers...what have you been showered with this month?

Friendships! Both online and off. In real life, I've had several friends call and invite me to this or that and it's been lovely. I've always had friends, mind you. And we often get together and do things, but I've just felt closer to them this month than previously. That probably sounds silly. Ah well. As for online friends, I've been having a blast getting to know some fabulous gals through blogging and goodreads! Friendships are such a wonderful part of our lives. :)

2. What is the nature of compassion? Is it learned or innate? Can compassion be learned? If you're a parent is this something you've purposely sought to instill in your children, and if so how?

I'd probably say a bit of both. Some people seem born with extra amounts and give it more freely. But I definitely think it can be and should be learned! This world needs compassionate people.

3. Do you prefer to watch romantic comedy or romantic drama...or are you rolling your eyes saying bring on the action flicks?

Definitely a romantic comedy kind of gal! I do enjoy romantic dramas and even some action flicks, but romantic comedies are the ones I'll rewatch countless times. :D

4. It's April which means baseball season is officially upon us here in the US of A. Humphrey Bogart is quoted as saying "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." Agree or Disagree?

Well, as I've never actually had roast beef at the Ritz, I can't really speak for that option. But hot dogs on the other hand? I love hot dogs! Regardless of how unhealthy they may be for you, they are a staple at my house. If there's absolutely nothing else to eat, I can fix a hot dog. (It's okay, you can think I'm crazy. I don't mind. :)

But you probably weren't looking for a literal answer, huh? So figuratively speaking, I'd still go for the hot dog option because I'm not a formal type of person. Oh, I wouldn't mind eating at the Ritz at least once (just for the experience), but at the end of the day I'd rather go somewhere I'm comfortable. And I'm a casual, comfy, relaxed type of person who doesn't really enjoy dressing to the nines. Actually, I don't think I've ever dressed to the nines in my life!

5. What's something in your community or city that needs fixing or improving?

I think the roads could use some re-paving.

6. Share a song you enjoy that mentions flowers or a specific flower in its title.

I had a hard time trying to remember one! But then I remembered this: A Rose Among the Thorns

7. April 22nd is Earth Day...do you believe there's life on other planets? That wasn't the question you were expecting was it?

Certainly wasn't the question I was expecting! And as for my answer? Well, not really sure I believe there is. Don't really think it matters one way or another for me though. I'm quite content to live my life here without worrying about it.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thinking about romantic comedies made me try to decide what some of my favorites are. The list I came up with is:

There are others, of course. But these ten were the first to come to mind. What are some of your favorite movies?


  1. Judging by your list of romantic comedies, I think we could have a good time together! :-) Some of my other favorites are Music & Lyrics, American President, Notting Hill, and When Harry Met Sally!

    1. Those are excellent picks too! I'm up for a girls night in with movies like these. ;)

  2. I don't generally watch romantic comedies but do like them once in awhile--I did enjoy "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail." I've been showered with gifts this month thanks to it being "Administrative Professional's Day" (formerly referred to as Secretary's Day.

    1. I actually got a gift from my boss' wife today myself, Karen. She surprised all the ladies in the office for Secretary's Day. Made me happy all afternoon! :)

  3. I like your answer about compassion. I'd hafta say that you'd make a good person who guides someone through life.

    1. Well, I'm not sure about that. But I definitely feel that we all need to be compassionate to those around us. Thank you for the compliment! :)

  4. I with you on the compassion. Just watched a wee bit of the video and thing that struck me was how many guys were wearing shirts with braces in the room! Never seen so many braces in my life in one place. Tee hee.

    I loved Sleepless in Seattle! I think Notting Hill remains my favourite. I had fun watching Sweet Home Alabama. Another old favourite I caught on TV the other week is While You Were Sleeping.

    1. Oh goodness, when I was looking for the video I never even noticed that! But you're so right! The room is full of them, isn't it? Too funny. :D

      Ooooo, Notting Hill and While You Were Sleeping are wonderful too! I forgot about them.

  5. I'm more of a romantic drama kind of gal, though I do love a good comedy from time-to-time! That song is a new one on me!

    1. April, I enjoy comedy more, but there are many drama's that I like as well. Movies in general are just a lot of fun! :)

  6. I love "The Wedding Planner", "You've Got Mail" and "Sleepless in Seattle". It helps that they have my favorite actors and actresses in them too ;)

    1. Those are definitely great movies! I just never seem to get tired of watching Meg Ryan's older romantic comedies. :)

  7. You made a great list of movies. I had never heard your song before.

  8. I picked the hot dog too, but I'm a baseball fan. I'd take a slice of pizza at a hockey game over beef at The Ritz and I'm not a hockey fan. :)

    My favorite Romantic Comedy is Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. But I'm not a huge movie watcher so I don't even think I could come up with 10 movies off the top of my head let alone 10 I liked! lol

    1. Yay for baseball! I'm a fan myself. :)

      I haven't seen that particular movie, though I have heard of it. I'll have to check it out. And I love a good movie. Probably spend too much time either watching them or reading a book. :P

  9. The Holiday is my all-time favorite Romantic Comedy. I watch it several times/year, and NEVER get tired of it! (I even made a point to go to the village where it was filmed when we went to London last year!)
    Good song...I've never heard of it!

    1. Oh! You've been to the village where it was filmed? Totally jealous right now! It's a fabulous movie. See, I knew I'd forget some for my list. There's just too many good ones! :D

  10. I'm actually working on doing some lists of my favorite movies in various genres. Since you asked before I got to it, though, my favorite romcoms are:

    1. While You Were Sleeping
    2. Sabrina
    3. You've Got Mail
    4. Sleepless in Seattle
    5. Someone Like You
    6. Mrs. Winterbourne
    7. Runaway Bride
    8. Dirty Dancing
    9. Moonstruck
    10. A Life Less Ordinary

    1. I love all your picks, Hamlette! Well, except for the last one which I've never seen. I just googled it and it sounds fun. I'll have to check it out now. Thanks for your list! It's always fun to find new movies to watch. :)

      Also, which version of Sabrina are you referring to? The Humphrey Bogart one?

      And I'll be on the lookout for your lists! Will be fun to see what you pick and which ones I've seen and which ones I haven't.

    2. "A Life Less Ordinary" is weird. Fun, but really weird. But it amuses me to no end, and I love it despite it having Cameron Diaz in it, and I usually can't stand her.

      I actually love the Harrison Ford remake of "Sabrina." The chemistry didn't really work for me in the original -- I love Bogart, Hepburn, and Holden, but it just never felt quite right. But the remake... swoon.

      Possibly a list post coming up later today!

    3. I love weird but fun movies!

      Oh good. I actually like the Harrison Ford remake better also. But so often people seem to like the originals the best, so I wasn't sure which way you'd go. *Swoon* is definitely right! That ending gets replayed at least twice every time I watch it. (Plus a few other scenes too for that matter.) ;D

    4. Well, you might like A Life Less Ordinary -- and I'd love to hear about it if you watch it!

      A lot of remakes are not as good as the original. But when an old movie wasn't amazing to begin with, a remake can be better. I prefer You've Got Mail to Shop Around the Corner too.

    5. I agree with that. You've Got Mail gets rewatched a lot more often than Shop Around the Corner at my house. But occasionally I do enjoy watching the original. :)

      If/when I watch A Life Less Ordinary, I'll be sure to let you know!

  11. I have seen a few of those movies, I loved Sweet Home Alabama also i like Dirty Dancing, and a lot of oldies with Audrey Hepburn.

    1. I've seen a few of Audrey's movies, but not too many. I think one of my favorites of hers is still My Fair Lady. I love musicals. :)

      Dirty Dancing is a great pick also!

  12. Love six of the movies you have shared, and am so-so with You've Got Mail. Great collection, Kara! :) Also love The Holiday and oh-so-many more! Far too many to count in all likelihood. ;)

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Happy Wednesday to you my dear! :)

      And we agree, picking only a select few is hard. I listed 10, but there are sooooo many more I could add! And you don't enjoy You've Got Mail, huh? Too bad, as that's one I never seem to tire of. Then again, I'm a big fan of Meg Ryan's romcoms from back then in general. Add Tom Hanks and I'm there. :)

  13. I loved your movie list. Sweet Home Alabama and Serendipity would make mine too. I also love The Sure Thing , another John Cusack film, and Two Weeks notice with Sandra Bullock.

    1. Thank you Joyce! I love Two Weeks Notice also. I know I've seen The Sure Thing, but I can't remember whether I liked it or not. Surely I did! John Cusack should be a big enough reason to. :)

  14. I haven't seen many of those movies! Wow! I need to get watching, clearly :)

    1. If you enjoy romcoms, then I'm sure you'd enjoy some of these, Courtney. :)

  15. I like You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle.

    Thank you for your kind words about our loss.

    1. Thanks for sharing your heart, Bethany. Still praying!

  16. Thank you for this list! I, too, love romantic comedies...I'll have to check some of these out! :-)

    And just so you know, I have so enjoyed getting to know you!!! Your writing inspires me!

    1. Hi Rebecca! I hope you enjoy whichever ones you get to watch. Romcoms just make me happy. And I like to be happy, especially when watching a movie. :)

      Aaawww, thank you! That truly means a lot. I've enjoyed getting to know you too. And my writing inspires you? Wow. I've always been busy admiring yours! :D


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)