May 3, 2013

Little Letters Sixth Edition

Dear Library, thank you for existing! And for having so many of the books on my list available. Only now I have tons of reading to do in the next three weeks! But it makes me happy anyway. :)

Dear Library Sale, thanks for the copy of Persuasion that I found! I didn't have a hardcover copy before. Now I do and I love it! I'm so glad I picked that day to stop by.

Dear Frost Bakery, your muffins are amazing! As are your scones. And your sandwiches. And your cookies. And your cake pops. And basically everything! I am beyond thrilled that you opened up so close to my work. Although I'm not certain my pocketbook appreciates it. But my tastebuds sure do!

Dear LBD Team, thank you for notifying us when Sanditon will start. I can't wait to see more of Gigi! And of course, more Jane Austen is always a good thing. Yay!

Dear Cats in our Neighborhood, why must you antagonize our dog that way?! You know he can't come get you, so you stand just outside of the gate and prance around. Don't you realize how annoying his barking can be for my poor human ears? Go away, would you?

Dear Cody, don't you think those cats are totally doing it on purpose? They're smart animals too, you know. The more you bark and make a commotion, the more you're probably making them gleeful. Have a care for my ears please!

Dear Week, can we start all over and just skip Thursday this time? Thursday stinks. Better yet, let's just go right to the weekend. I need a fresh start and no more bad days at work!

Dear Amber, Rissi and Hamlette, you ladies rock! Thank you for being such great encouragers and just all around great gals. I love to visit your blogs and so appreciate when I see your names pop up on mine. Thanks for cheering me up on days when I need it. Even if you don't realize it.

Dear Audrey Assad, I'm really loving your song! Thanks for sharing it with the world. :)

Dear Pin on Pinterest, some days really do feel like this! But cookies always make things better. Don't you agree? ;)


  1. Who-hoo! Another Little Letter's edition - Kara you make these so fun. Hopefully I'll get back to posting my next one in the next week.

    That "cookie" pin - heck, yes! We all have those days. It's shameful how many cookies I can eat if they are a favorite.

    Glad you are finding some new bookish treasures - and YES for a LBD "spin-off." :)

    Kara, thank you for being a lovely person and someone fun to get to know. Appreciate your wonderful blog - it always puts a smile on my face - and your support of Dreaming Under the Same Moon. It's been a great journey! ♥

    1. Ssshhhhh, we won't mention how many cookies I can eat in one sitting! ;D

      I'm so ready to have something to look forward to during the week. You know, like I always looked forward to Monday's thanks to the LBD. Sanditon here we come!

      Thanks, Rissi. Truly. And it's definitely been a wonderful journey! :)

    2. That first line: good idea! ;)

  2. Such a fun post, Kara!! And awwwwwww, that's so sweet of you to mention me! You rock, too, my friend, and I'm so glad to have discovered another kindred spirit. :) Love your blog; love your comments and friendship!


    1. Thanks Amber! Some days just getting online and seeing what you've written simply perks me right up. I love getting excited over books with you! Kindred spirits are so nice to find, aren't they? :)

  3. You're welcome! And so sweet :-)

    I may have eaten 4 chocolate chip cookies today. But they were fresh. Please don't tell my kids, cuz I only let them have 1 each.

    1. Fresh chocolate chip cookies?! I'll be right over! :D

      Also, don't you think that if the cookies are fresh right out of the oven that calories don't count? Nor does it matter how many you eat, especially if the kids don't find out! I mean, that's the way I look at it. And I won't mention how many I can eat in one sitting. Especially if they're fresh! *calories don't count, calories don't count, calories don't count.* ;P

  4. Bahaha that picture....yeah, I've been there a couple times in the past few weeks. :/ And I really like that song, and I wish the Frost Bakery would open near me too, and I also am a Jane Austen fan--and basically, I'm just really glad I stopped by your blog this morning.

    1. Ah yes. Those days when nothing but cookies will make things better. I'm happy that one is in the past and this weekend has been wonderful! :)

      I'm so glad you stopped by too, Susan! I enjoy reading your blog, even if I don't comment often. Especially love finding out that Narnia really exists!! :D

  5. Nice blog...thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    UNWRITTEN was very good. I didn't read his other book you mentioned. I will have to check it out.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

    1. Thank you for stopping here, Elizabeth!

      Charles Martin is definitely a great writer. I'm looking forward to trying Unwritten when I get the chance. Was so glad you brought it to my attention. :)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)