June 3, 2013

Cover Reveal: Bleeding Heart by Amber Stokes

I am beyond thrilled to share a very special cover with you today. Amber is such a lovely person, and I am so, so happy that she's got a book coming out this summer (potentially August)! When she asked who would like to help reveal it, you can bet your sweet bippy that I signed up as quick as I could! ;D Amber deserves all kinds of cake and cookies and awesome desserts for writing a story, editing and rewriting, and editing and rewriting, and helping to design the cover, and editing some more and........finally being willing to share it with the world. I'm so excited and honored to be a part of the team shining a light on a portion of her hard work today. :) Now, onto why you really stopped by here.......

Isn't it gorgeous? Of course I like the pretty dress. And the colors. The flowers strewn about are a nice touch also. But what strikes me is the hint of the storm clouds in the distance behind her. Which says to me that as pretty and nice as things look right now, trouble could be on the horizon. But I have every expectation that our heroine can handle it. Her face shows a determination, perhaps she's thinking that no matter what comes her way, she's going to handle it and then some. Who knows? But I sure can't wait to find out! :) What are your thoughts?

About the Book

Five bleeding hearts. One profound journey.

Summer 1886

Sally Clay’s livelihood has been snatched away, but in its place arises an opportunity to escape from her sordid past and an unrelenting, unwanted suitor. Boarding a train with a heartsick rancher and an enigmatic miner, she leaves Virginia City behind and heads to Northern California, waiting for the chance to make right what went wrong three long years before.

But the road to revenge is far from smooth. Sally soon learns that the jagged pieces of a broken heart can far too easily wound the hearts of others – and hers isn’t the only heart that’s broken. Tragedy and fear dog her steps as she flees from the redwood forests to the high desert and back again. Will her bleeding heart ever find a way and a place to heal?

A desperate soiled dove. Three men who come to care for her. One man determined to claim her.

All on a journey that will show them what true love really involves.

Inspirational Historical Romance

About the Author

Amber Stokes has a Bachelor of Science degree in English and a passion for the written word - from blogging to writing poetry, short stories, and novels. After her brief time at college in Oregon, she is now back home among the redwoods of Northern California, living life one day at a time and pursuing her passion via freelance editing and self-publishing her debut novel, Bleeding Heart. You can connect with Amber on her blog, Seasons of Humility.

(Trust me, she's awesome!)

Breaking hearts should be considered a crime. That would make Elizabeth Lawson an outlaw and Joe Clifton the victim. And that wasn’t a far stretch in Joe’s mind. She had rounded up his heart, branded her name across it when it should never have belonged to her, and then left him high and dry. Still, he was getting sick of hanging around the scene of the crime. He just didn’t know where else to go.

Lake Tahoe had once been his favorite get-away destination, a place where he could go to just sit back and enjoy the view of water as clear as a shined-up mirror. Now those crystal depths and the unmoving boulders along the water’s edge taunted him, bringing back memories of a happy proposal and a less-than-happy scene where his heart was handed back to him on a silver platter – bruised, broken, and bleeding.

He didn’t want to make any more memories like that. So he made a promise to himself: He would never let anyone break his heart again.

~In conjunction with the cover reveal, Amber’s doing a “blog reveal,” as well! You can find all the latest news about Bleeding Heart, along with book extras, at the Bleeding Heart blog.~


  1. Hello, lovely Kara!! Can't believe this day is here!! (Well, it's sort of still the evening before... I'm just embracing my night-owl side, LOL.) Thank you for this sweet post and all of your encouraging words! YOU are awesome! :D

    AND, I'm actually really glad to hear that the background strikes you! This is a darker story, and there are definitely a lot of storms in store for Sally. But I hope you will be inspired by her story as she faces the storms. :)

    A lot of editing is ahead of me before August, so I'll take all of the cookies and cakes and desserts you have to offer to help me through, LOL! ;)


    1. Amber! I'm a day late in responding, but I did see that you were having an awesome day yesterday. So, so happy for you! You are blessed with lots of good friends. And you deserve to be! :)

      I thought you may have mentioned something about your characters having to deal with some stormy weather, so when I saw the cover I immediately thought it appropriate. It really is very lovely. And I am so looking forward to my chance to read it! :D

      Dessert is always a good thing! Especially when celebrating. But even more to keep you going through the not so fun stuff. Chocolate was an excellent idea, whoever invented it. So eat up! Ha! ;P

  2. Great observations Kara! Ack! Storms are coming her way? I don't know if my heart can take it ;)

    1. Yes, LOTS of storms in store for all of the characters! But I do hope your heart is encouraged, in the end. ;)


    2. Thank you, Julie! I'm interested to see where Amber going to go with this myself. But I'm positive it'll be a fun ride. Thank so much for stopping by. :)

  3. What a lovely post, Kara! You did a wonderful job with this and if I may, I second everything you say. Amber is a lovely person and I've appreciated her and her blog many times over. She's a kind young lady who is always willing to offer a word of encouragement. Selfishly I have loved the snippets of wisdom she offers, whether on her blog or Twitter.

    The excitement and enthusiasm for his is infectious and I am honored to be a small part of this journey Amber has been blessed to experience. :)

    1. Awwww! YOU are kind and encouraging, my friend! And snippets of wisdom? I'm totally humbled to have you say that, as I feel like I mostly share lots of silliness and giddiness and whatnot, LOL. But *I* second everything you said, but about *you*!

      Definitely feeling the excitement and enthusiasm today - and it is blessing me beyond measure! Thank you for being a part of it all! :)


    2. Me too, Rissi. This has been so fun to be a part of. And we're totally agreed. Amber's awesome!

      And Amber? You snippets of silliness and giddiness and whatnot is part of why we like you so much! Besides, you're not silly at all. Unless you mean to be of course. ;)

      Thank for stopping over, Rissi. I shall return the favor! :D

    3. Always love popping over here, Kara! Thanks for returning the favor, my friend. :)

      As always, meant every word, Amber (I know I use that string of words a lot but... it's true!). All the enthusiasm for your upcoming debut is infectious in the best sense and I cannot wait for the actual book to be made available. :)

    4. :) See that smile, Rissi? It's for you!

      And I'm definitely looking forward to Amber's book. I mean, how could it not be awesome since she wrote it? Of course it will be!

  4. Hi Kara, What a great cover reveal for Amber. I love your comments about the cover. Great insight. Best wishes Amber.

    1. Hi Sandra! Thanks for stopping by. Isn't this so fun?! I really do love this cover and it's certainly got me anxious to read the story. As if I wasn't already. ;)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)