November 23, 2014

Blog Tour Review: How a Star Falls by Amber Stokes (Plus Giveaway!)

How a Star FallsI had the privilege of reading an advance copy of this wonderful story and can I just say how sweet it is? For a novella, it packs quite a bit of heart and sweetness into just a few pages! Ms. Stokes branches out beyond her usual historical genre and tries her hand (beautifully I might add! :) at contemporary romance.

Derrick is a young man who is still trying to figure out what he wants in life. Which is extremely easy to relate to, for haven't we all struggled with that very question? And when Brielle suddenly falls into his life, she emphasizes how lost he feels. Which he doesn't appreciate at first! But it doesn't take long before these two lost souls begin to discover things about themselves through the influence of the other. And the mystery of who Brielle really is keeps you turning pages and wanting to know what will come next!

Mystery, romance, family bonding, and just all around fun makes this little story a delightful read. When you're in need of a sweet story and with only a small amount of time to escape real life for a while, this is the perfect book to pick up! Most definitely recommend. :)

"Are you familiar with Orion?"
Her question sent a jolt through him-a needle prick of memories from a childhood that felt light-years away. He simply jerked his head in a semi-nod.
She glanced up at the stars. "I'm from Orion's Belt." At his groan, she only grinned and added, "You could say the great hunter sent me."
"Is this some kind of joke? What on earth are you on?"
About the Author

Amber Stokes works as a content writer (marketing services) for a Christian publisher. On the side, she self-publishes inspirational fiction depicting the seasons of life and love. Her passion for books compelled her to earn a bachelor's degree in English and to run her own freelance editing and publicity business for over a year. Happily, this new chapter of her career takes place in the Pacific Northwest-a part of the world she's always considered home. Learn more about Amber's books at Seasons of a Story.

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  1. Aw, Kara, thank you so much for the kind review - and for your enthusiasm for this project these past few months! I always appreciate your encouragement and friendship. :D *Hugs*


    1. You are SO very welcome, Amber! I am beyond thrilled for you having another book published. And as I said via twitter, it really is quite fun to get excited for a dear friend's happiness! Knowing how amazing your year has been and as I always enjoy reading your stories, you have encouraged and inspired me. Especially during some harder moments of my year. So really, I need to thank YOU! :) *hugs tight*

    2. Aww! I'm blessed and humbled by your words, friend. :) *hugs tightly back*


  2. Great review, Kara! This novella is so sweet and just perfect; definitely not one I was ready to see end...! :)

    1. I'm glad you guys still stick with me even though I tend to end stories sooner than you all would prefer, hehe. I'll just have to keep writing more stories - and maybe someday one of them will end up as a legit novel! ;)

      On a more serious note, though, thank you so much for the very encouraging compliment, dear friend! :)


    2. I so agree, Rissi! I wasn't ready to see it end either. And thank you! :)

    3. Amber, I am very confident that someday one or all of your books will be legit. Although I should note that I consider them legit right now! You are a writer, my friend. And a very good one who will only get better. I don't doubt that at all. So keep writing, so I can keep enjoying your stories! :D


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)