January 29, 2015

I've Got North and South On My Brain...

You all know by now that I've been participating in a read-along of North and South. Hence I've been thinking about Mr. Thornton a lot! So I decided y'all should too. ;)

North & South directed by Brian Percival (TV, Mini-Series, BBC, 2004)

Ah, those eyes.

North and South (Part 4)  "My word, Margaret; to admit that the South has its faults and that Mr Thornton has his virtues. What has happened to bring about such a transformation?"

Yes, this would be my favorite scene! I only rewind it three or four times when I watch. ;)

The music for this miniseries is amazing!

For just a quick overview of the series in all its loveliness.


And last, but not least.... *dreamy sigh*


  1. * swoon * my family and friends are already concerned by my interest (cough. Obsession) with North & South, but this makes me want to read/watch it all over! Again. But who's counting? ;)

    1. One can never watch North and South too many times, Sarah!!! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. ;)

  2. This seals the deal...the next time I can afford it, I am buying the mini-series!! I haven't seen it in so long and I need to see it again!!

    1. You definitely should, Alyssa! I can't even count how many times I've watched it. SOOOO good. You need access whenever you're needing a Richard Armitage pick me up! ;)

  3. OHHH!!!!

    This kind of just made my day. :-)

    I've only seen the miniseries once, two years ago, and I'm convinced I MUST watch it again, and soon. I loved it the very first time I watched it, which means on the second time around I'll absolutely ADORE it. John Thornton....*swoons*


    Oh, its' so beautiful. :-)


    1. I'm so glad, Emma Jane! You really must watch it again. It's just as fabulous the second, third, even twentieth time watching! ;)

      I so agree. His eyes are amazing!

  4. I don't mind thinking about Mr. Thornton- uh, that is "North and South." ;-)

    1. Hee hee! So glad you enjoyed the post, Grace. Thornton....*cough cough* I mean North and South is amazing! ;)

  5. Oh my gosh, I know! I watched this three times in one week, and my husband thought I must be getting sick! (I obsessively watch romantic movies when I have a cold...) :)

    1. Tell your husband that you are fine and normal, Hannah. It's simply not possible to just watch this miniseries only once! ;)

      Also, I obsessively watch romantic movies a lot in general, so.....I understand!

    2. I did! Although my words sounded more like, "Don't judge me!" while clutching a bag of cookies to my chest. :P

    3. Ha! I am POSITIVE that you totally convinced him! The cookies were the final push, right? ;)

  6. I love the series, i have the book but I haven't read it yet!! *sigh*

    1. The book is quite good, Alex! It does get a little hard to read in some moments, but I just loved that we get so much detail on what Mr. Thornton's thinking. The book spends a great deal of time in his head, so if that intrigues you, I say you should try it sometime! :)

      And isn't the series amazing?!

  7. I just saw this for the first time last week, and holy mackeral, it was everything my blogging friends have promised, and then some! I'm hoping to rewatch it this month, and I'm betting I will love it even more then :-D

    1. Really truly, Hamlette?! YAY! This makes me so incredibly happy! Welcome to the fabulous fanclub of the North and South miniseries! We're all happy fangirls over here. :D

    2. With Mr. Thornton around, how could a fangirl be anything but happy? :-D

    3. Also, I've nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award -- details are here :-)

    4. Ha! Too true! :D And thank you for the award. I feel very appreciated now! :)

  8. LOVE THIS POST!!!!! AH!! I can't wait to watch this!! I've been restraining myself. I've been wanting it watch it again, but I'm trying to wait. I'm so glad we get to watch this soon!!! Richard Armitage is SO swoon worthy! The way he looks at Margaret kills me!

    1. I just knew you would, Kami! After all the lovely gifs and pics you tweeted, I just had to share the Thornton love!

      And yes! Richard Armitage is AMAZING. And the way he looks at Margaret?! Oh man. No words. Just swooning. :D

  9. Replies
    1. Hee! You are entirely welcome, Courtney! Believe me. It was my pleasure! ;)


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