April 8, 2015

9 Clues I'm a(n Obessive) Reader

As if y'all weren't aware already, right?? But as I thought about it, I realized that I do tend to be a bit obsessive about books. I mean, to the point that all my real life people have noticed. Seems I can't keep it hidden! (Not that I want to, clearly.) I just figure maybe if I make a list of my quirks, then should anyone I'm meeting for the first time wonder what's up, I can simply direct them to this post! Ingenious plan, yes? (I thought so too.)

Why only nine, you may be asking? Because I couldn't think of number ten. (I'll probably think of it after I've already posted this and be too lazy to edit it.) Plus these sorts of lists are always ten things, so why not be different?! :D

1 - I've got stories in my head! And no, not the kind I'm writing, unfortunately. All I've got of that sort is just the dream of writing, but no actual story (and that dream is currently very vague and glitter-covered). This is the sort where it seems just about everything I see reminds me of a story.
  • See the last name "Musgrove" on a paper at work and think of Jane Austen. Check.
  • Find out there exists an actual John Watson somewhere in my home state and wonder if he might be a doctor and/or blogger. Check.
  • See "DMK" on a license plate and assume that person loves Dear Mr. Knightley too! Check.
  • First thoughts upon waking to a snow-day-off from work are "Which book should I read first?". Check.
  • Pass by a sign that advertises "MacNeil Machinery" and wonder if Dr. MacNeil has changed occupations. Check.
2 - Bringing up books, authors, reading, and/or writing in every day convos. A lot. (Or I think it, even if I don't say it. Cause, you know, I don't want to be annoying about it.) (Or obvious.) (HA!)

3 - When I have plans in the evening and hope it won't go too late because I've got to have time to get home and read for an hour (or three) before I go to bed. (True story!)

4 - Midnight (or later) is now an acceptable bedtime. (See clue #3.) (Why yes. I am a night owl, why do you ask?)

5 - My bookshelves (and kindle!) are overflowing with books and I keep buying more. (On sale, of course. Because I don't want to go in debt over book-buying. That'd just be crazy.)
This is but ONE of my bookshelves.
6 - Owning FOUR copies of Persuasion. (Just recently bought #4 and it's so pretty! Totally a reasonable thing to do.)

7 - Reorganizing my bookshelves, which shouldn't take but an hour or so, turns into skimming through all my old favorites and five hours later...

8 - Borrowing a stack of books from the library and taking some back unread because I got "distracted" with other stories. (Also late fees. Because I needed "just one more day" to finish.)

9 - Deciding what to read next can be really, really hard.

Yep! I'm (only slightly) obsessive about reading. And I wouldn't have it any other way! How about you? :)


  1. Replies
    1. Right?! Glad you understand me, Naomi. :D

  2. Haha! This is such a great list!!! I have multiple copies of Tolkien and Lewis, so I 100% understand that. And #9? The struggle is real!!

    1. Somehow I thought you might understand, Jamie. :D And yes! The struggle to know which book to read next...there are no words to describe the indecision this can cause!

  3. Ha ha ha! I love your list. I do 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 (with Harry Potter).

    1. Thanks, Jenni! It's good to know I'm not the only one. :D

  4. Ditto to everything here! :)

  5. Fantabulous post, Kara. Definitely a lot of similar dilemmas going on in the bookish portion of my brain, too. ;) As for being a night owl, I'm a proud member of the midnight-or-later (right now, it's later) crowd too.

    1. Thank you, Rissi! Being of the bookish sort can be kind of crazy and weird and awesome, can't it? And night owls rock! :D

  6. Heehee! I love this. :-) You've perfectly described my life! And no, I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)

    I love the one about Dr. MacNeil changing occupations!


    1. Bookish people just get each other, don't we, Emma? :D

      I pass that sign quite often actually, and it always makes me think of him! Which in turn makes me grin. ;)

  7. Totally reasonable, m'dear. Perfectly normal!!!

    1. Thanks, Hamlette! It's so nice to be understood. :D

  8. Yes, I'm right there with you. I have to read several books at once just to make sure I can keep reading no matter my mood. People ask me if I'm free, and I think, I don't have any free time! I have work, and my family, and reading!

    1. There. I like that reason! "Just to make sure I can keep reading no matter my mood." That's exactly it, but I've never been able to put it in words. Thanks, Hannah! :)

      And yes! Reading is a priority in my life. To the point that I plan time for it in my day. It's important!

  9. Hi Kara,
    I've tagged you over on my blog, if you're interested! http://allthingsbonnyandbeautiful.blogspot.com/2015/04/a-deliciously-random-tag.html

    Have a swell day! :-)


    1. Well thank you, Emma! I'll stop by and check it out. :)

  10. Haha, oh yes, very recognizable! Great post!

    1. Thanks, Birdie! Isn't it great to know we aren't alone? :)

  11. I want to see a picture of your copies of Persuasion!

    1. Ask and you shall receive, Kami! I'm currently working on a post just for you. :)


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