May 3, 2015

Adding To My Jane Austen Collection...

Why yes! That would be Pride and Prejudice in comic book form. Isn't that awesome?! I happen to think so. :) Do you want the whole story? Of course you do. Right? I knew it.

We begin around three weeks ago. I was staying with some friends and I happened to look at their bookshelves. (As one does.) And what to my wondering eyes should appear? A cover that looked very familiar! I confess to being unable to let it out of my sight the entire rest of my stay. Because I couldn't believe what I'd found! Perhaps y'all were aware that this book existed, but I was not. Oh, I'd seen the picture of that exact cover several places online, but I guess I'd never read the fine print where it says that it's a real, live book. So I truly was surprised when I saw it. A happy surprise though! :D

I'm sure you can guess the rest of this story. I parted with said book, quite sad that I had to leave it at their house. And proceeded to come home determined to find a copy for myself. Which brings us to this past week when it finally arrived on my doorstep! I couldn't stop grinning when I saw it and sat right down and read the entire thing through. Again.

It's awesome, you guys! I mean, seriously. Just look at this artwork.

I love the fact that Jane is dancing with excitement! :)

And so begins perfect happiness... ;)
Another friend of mine saw my pictures and said how much it looks similar to the movie version. I hadn't thought about it until he mentioned it, but I do think he's right. Whether that was intentional or not, I am absolutely thrilled to have this as part of my book collection. It's currently still sitting on my kitchen table as I haven't found just the right spot for it yet. It deserves a special place, don't you think? :)
It was originally published in actual comic book form. So at the end of the book it has copies of all five comic covers.

I think my favorite here is "Does Darcy Deem Dames Detestable? (don't dare delay!)".

I like the one of Lizzy by herself. On one of her walks! :)

And here's the happy couple! Except they don't look anything like they do in the artwork inside.
And there you have it! Isn't it fab? Don't you think you need to add it to your collection? Or perhaps you already own it?! In which case, we are both awesome. :D



  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it fabulous, Naomi?! I love it. :)

  2. I have this, and yes, it's wonderful! I love it. Probably the best graphic novel interpretation of one of Austen's works to come out so far.

    1. Yes! It really is wonderful, Hannah. This is my first foray into Austen graphic novels, but I can say that it's is a very high standard for any others. The artwork is amazing! (And also, you are awesome for owning a copy too. My last sentence in the post is absolutely true in your case. :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I probably went a little overboard with all the pictures, but I really do love it, Katie! :)

  4. I need this! Are they going to do more Austen novels?

    1. You should definitely check into getting one, Kami! The artwork truly is amazing. :) As for any other Austen novels, I'm not sure? They aren't printing these new anymore, I don't think, and I didn't see any others advertised when I was buying it online. There may be other graphic novels out there of her works, but by different artists and/or writers? I'd love it if they did Persuasion though!

    2. Northanger Abbey and Emma have both also been turned into graphic novels, but I haven't read either of them yet to give you an account. I do believe they have different artists; writers, I don't know. Also, there are at least two more versions out there of Pride and Prejudice as a graphic novel. I'm in the process of trying to get those, too.

    3. Good to know! Thanks, Hannah. I will have to research more thoroughly and see about getting my own copies! :)

  5. How neat. I figured you'd get one eventually. ;) I bought the NA edition (because I decided to be weird and go for the lesser known), but will likely get this if I enjoy that one. :D

    1. Hee. You do know me well, don't you Rissi? :D I'd love to get Northanger Abbey! I am still determined to read that book some day soon. Can't believe I haven't yet! Lesser knowns for the win! ;)


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