January 2, 2016

My Reading Time is Weirdly Affected...

A dear friend gave this to me and I loved it!
It has a place of honor on my bookshelf. :)
Actually what this post is about is the fact that I can get so much reading done when I'm not feeling well! Go figure. Now granted, y'all know I love to read. That's a given seeing as how I have an entire blog dedicated to the subject. But what I've noticed this fall and early winter is how much reading I do when I'm sick. As I've been sick several times recently (three colds and one flu, anyone? Blech! And all since August. Double blech!) I've had lots of research time. Unfortunately.

So! As I spent the past week fighting my most recent bout with a cold, I (obviously) didn't feel up to doing much. I did go to work, but evenings are when I felt the worst, so I'd go home and, you guessed it!, spend the evening reading. Six books in three days! Yes, a few of them were novellas, but still. That's a lot of reading! Not that I'm wishing I were sick more often. Definitely NOT. But I do find it fascinating that that seems to be what it takes to get me to read more. Well. That and the weather.

Yes, the weather. Last winter, when we got a boatload and a half of snow (way too much in my humble opinion!), I read seven or eight books in one week. Now that may not be very many to those readers who read hundreds of books a year. But of my measly 77 books I read last year (still so weird to use that term for 2015), to say that almost 15-20 of them were read when A) it was snowing or B) I was sick is kind of noticeable. At least to me.

(It also means that I have loads of reviews I need to catch up on again. *sigh* Hopefully coming soon!)

All of that highly scientific data begs the question: Have you ever noticed that you read more when you're sick or when there's bad weather and you can't get out? Or am I the only odd one? (It's okay if I am. I'm actually quite used to that. :) Let me know!


  1. I actually read less when I'm sick. For some reason being sick takes too much attention and I can't focus on books. You read way more books than me this year, though! That's awesome. Too bad you've been sick though.

    1. Jenny: I get that. And sometimes I'm the same way, unable to concentrate while sick. But not so the more recent stuff I've been fighting. Reading time for the win! :)

      Thanks! But yes, I've been fighting way too many sicknesses recently. Hoping 2016 has better health in store for me!

  2. My reading time is definitely different with the weather! When it's especially nice outside, I want to sit under trees and read outside. When it's cold, I just want to snuggle up in blankets inside with a good book. Anywhere in the middle I read a bit less. I also read more when I have a cold, like you. But I've found that if I have the stomach flu or am recovering from something more serious, my eyes and brain are too tired to read for long. Audiobooks work wonders, though, because I can shut my eyes and be told a story when I feel like crap! Nothing better! Sorry you've been sick. The last couple of months have been like that for me, too, in a different way.

    1. Hannah: Yes! That describes me exactly! When it's something really serious (which has been rare, thank goodness!), I don't really read much at all. But colds...I need the distraction from all that sniffling and coughing! So reading it is. And I'm not sure why I haven't tried audiobooks when I'm sick, but that's a great idea! *noted for the future*

      My minor sicknesses have nothing on what you've put up with during the end of 2015, I hope you're doing better?

    2. I don't even move to the couch for movies when I'm sick sometimes now! Audiobooks are awesome. :)

      Thank you, I'm feeling quite a bit better! My kidneys will take some time to fully recover, but meds and diet keep it in check until then.

    3. I am so, so glad to hear that, Hannah! :)

  3. I'm so jealous! I wish I could read when I am sick. I usually don't read at all and watch tv. I have trouble concentrating while I'm sick.

    1. Kami: I get that. And it does happen that I can't concentrate on occasion, when I'm not feeling well. But usually I desperately need the distraction from all the coughing and sniffling I'm doing! A story works really well for that. For that matter though, so does tv! :)

  4. ''All of that highly scientific data...'' Haha! So great :) Haven't really asked myself this question. I suppose I get more reading done when I purposely mentally set aside time to read in a day. Did that last night and actually made some progress on my current read. I hope you don't fall sick again!! But yay for more reading time!

    1. Ganise: Heehee. Glad I could provide a giggle in your day! ;) And thanks, I surely hope I don't get sick again for a LONG while. It is nice to get lots of books off my TBR pile that way though. :D


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