August 10, 2016

30 Days of Books :: Day 3

Here I am again! This really is fun (except for the picking only one part!), you should try it. :D This meme is certainly make me use my brain, let me tell you. I'm so forgetful! It's a good thing there's goodreads to help an absentminded reader out.

{joining Jenni}

Day 3 :: Your favorite series

11235712Now this is more like it! I knew immediately which series I was choosing, there was no hard decision-making involved at all. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer is EPIC and AMAZING and AWESOME and ALL THE ADJECTIVES. :D It truly is. I was a bit skeptical at first because when a book is majorly hyped, usually I'm not as big of a fan. But I tried Cinder anyway and was immediately blown away! And lucky for me I had only a few weeks to wait for Scarlet. But then...oh but then I had to wait an entire year for Cress. And then another almost two years for Winter! Those waits were excruciating let me tell you! (Actually I don't have to tell you, do I? Because I complained a lot on here about it. #Sorrynotsorry) Oh but I can't forget Stars Above! Because that epilogue/novella is a wonderful ending to the series. (Although I'm still sad the series is over! *sadface* At least I can reread as many times as I want, that helps. :)

Anyhoo, my point is, this series is something very special. I will gush about these books for years, I think. So you should read them if you haven't! And if you have, then feel free to gush in the comments. ;)

What's your favorite series? And do you read them as they come out or wait until they're all published before reading? Either way is pretty hard to do, I've discovered!


  1. This one was easy for me to choose too. I chose Harry Potter. I've only read Cinder, but I want to read the rest of the series. I just need to take the time to do so. It should be easy too because I already own all the books.

    1. Jenni: Dare I admit that I haven't read Harry Potter yet? I'd like to some day! And I hope you enjoy the rest of the series once you read them. They really are wonderful! :)

  2. Really? I didn't know this was your favorite series. Cool! These books are great.

    1. Jenny: Yep! They are great, I so agree. Although I will admit that this is my favorite series right now. That could change in the future, you know! There could be some amazing series I haven't read yet... :)

  3. I'm not always a huge fan of memes, but this one looks like a lot of fun! I haven't read the Lunar Chronicles, but I'm increasingly thinking I need to do so...

    My *current* favorite series is The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight, though of course, The Lord of the Rings will always hold the #1 spot in my heart. :)

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    1. Serena: It is fun! Even if I'm terribly slow at completing it. :)

      Yes! I highly recommend this series! (Obviously.) I know you really like fantasy, and while these don't really fall under that category I still think you'd like them.

      The Lord of the Rings is fabulous! Well worth that #1 spot. :D I haven't read Jaye L. Knight's series yet. But good to know that you recommend them! I'll have to check them out soon.

  4. Ah, The Lunar Chronicles. One of the few major hype YA series that really is worth the hype! I suppose my favorite series would have to be the Anne of Green Gables series, though the first one will always be my favorite. :)

    1. Miranda: Perfectly said! "One of the few majorly hyped YA series that really is worth the hype!" I completely agree. So often when books have tons of hype surrounding them, I'm a little wary of them. But this series is excellent.

      Anne! I love Anne. I thought about choosing that series for this, but I haven't read the series is years, so decided I'd better go with something I'd read more recent. But I do love Anne! :)


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