October 8, 2016

Random Bits of Fun

  • I recently (as in only a week ago!) started an Instagram account for books only. I've had a personal account, where I would occasionally post bookish stuff, but a lot of real life friends follow me there and they aren't readers. I didn't want to bombard them with umpteen pics of books. So! If you care to check it out and see for yourself whether I'm any good at taking pictures, then click over here. :)
  • One of my coworkers introduced me to this hilarious song because she knows how much I love to read. Have you heard of it before? I laughed and laughed the first time I listened! :D
  • I recently watched Love and Friendship, the movie based on Jane Austen's novella Lady Susan. I had read so many differing opinions on it that I wondered what I would think. I liked it! I didn't love it, I'm glad I only borrowed from the library because I could take it back without spending any money. But I did like it! I thought the way they introduced the characters and incorporated bits of letters in it was a wonderful call back to the story. Because Ms. Austen's original is in epistolary form. And Lady Susan is just as conniving and beautiful as I imagined. I thought Kate Beckinsale did a fantastic job actually! Have you seen it? What did you think?
  • That's it for today, my lovelies! I hope you're having a great weekend. See you next week for more reviews! :)


  1. It's been ages since I saw that video. Thanks for the flash back. Still haven't seen Love and Friendship!

    1. Jenny: I figured I was way behind the times, considering the video came out in 2011 (I think?). It's still funny though! :) I'll be curious to hear what you think of Love and Friendship if/when you see it. It's quite a bit different from Austen's other stories.

  2. Same! It's been YEARS since I've listened to that song but now it's stuck in my head again lol. I followed you on your bookish insta! :)

    1. Sandy: Ha! You're welcome. ;) Thank you so much for the follow! Still trying to find my footing over there, so I appreciate it extra a lot.

  3. I've been wondering about that movie - how would you rate it? Is it family-friendly? I do love Jane Austen films!!! Thank you for sharing!
    Blessings, Net :)

    1. Net: I would say it's pretty family friendly! As most Jane Austen films, there's no graphic sort of stuff of course. But it's also very different from Austen's other works (the main character is definitely not entirely likable). And there's a few innuendo type moments, where nothing is really spelled out, but it is there. If that makes sense? If I knew a teen that loved anything Jane Austen, I think I'd probably be quite willing to let them watch it with no problem. And there are definitely some hilarious moments. Hopefully that helps? :)

  4. The Julian Smith video! LOVE IT! Love and Friendship was just meh to me. Some funny parts, but it lacked a lot too. I will go and follow your new instagram now! :)

    1. Suey: Right?? It's hilarious! :D Yeah, that seems to be a lot of the reactions I keep getting. Which is one reason I initially borrowed from the library rather than automatically buying (like I usually do with Austen films :). Thank you for the follow! It's very appreciated.


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)