November 11, 2016

30 Days of Books :: Day 10

Hello my lovelies! And wow, I just realized that it's been over a month since I last posted one of these. Yikes! It really will be Christmas (or after) until I'm finished! I didn't mean to let that happen, but somehow October just flew by with me totally forgetting I needed to finish these 30 days. Well then! Here's another one. :)

{joining Jenni}

Day 10 :: Your favorite classic

An easy one! Definitely Persuasion by Jane Austen. I do happen to own four copies, you know. :) I thought about choosing Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster, but so few people seem to know about that book that I wasn't sure it could be considered a classic. Although I happen to think it is! :) But I absolutely loved Persuasion the first time I read it. I confess to actually watching the 1995 movie first, but once I saw it, I knew I had to read it. Much as I love P&P and the others by Ms. Austen, Persuasion remains my fave.

There's just something about Anne that I love. That I connect with. I even wrote a rather lengthy post about my love for her and why. Anne is simply awesome! :) Plus I can't deny that I fangirl a bit over Captain Wentworth. And I definitely fangirl over that letter he wrote!! *swoon* Watching he and Anne circle around and make mistake after mistake, yet so obviously love each other despite it all, is simply....yeah. That.

I love it! Enough said. :D


  1. I adore this one too. It's my favorite Austen. Now I'll take your word for it on Daddy Long Legs.

    1. Jenny: It's just so good, isn't it? Yay for Persuasion! :) I do think Daddy Long Legs is absolutely wonderful!

  2. So far this is the one that has been my least favorite of Austen's novels. I was bored throughout most of it. I did like the letter at the end, though.

    1. Jenni: I can understand that. It is a pretty quiet story, nothing too dramatic. I'm glad you liked that letter! It's definitely a favorite literary moment of mine. :)


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