September 1, 2017

Jane Austen Ponderings

So yeah. Anyone who's hung around this blog very much has surely figured out by now that I'm a Jane Austen fan. Yet crazy as it seems, I had completely forgotten that Misty at The Book Rat always hosts an Austen in August celebration! *cringes*

So! First things first, go and check out all the fun stuff she's been sharing! Lots of Austen love going on over there. :)

Second of all, through her delightful posts, I discovered that there's a new P&P in production!!! Y'all probably already heard about it, but I hadn't. And I'm quite intrigued with how the article describes it. (Read it here) But for the official record, can someone please tell me what on earth "less bonnet-y" actually means? (The official quote I'm referring to is as follows: “Pride and Prejudice is actually a very adult book, much less bonnet-y than people assume...”.) I have no idea what they're talking about? Nevertheless, I am, of course, quite interested in seeing how they adapt it! :D Unfortunately it doesn't say when it's coming out, so now the wait is on...

And third! I'm a fan of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (in case you need to personally see my excitement levels, see this post) and Misty mentioned that Mary Kate Wiles, who played Lydia, posted a video on her youtube earlier this year. It showcases the four main characters playing the Marrying Mr. Darcy card game. It's a fun video, especially so seeing the cast back together again! So check it out here. :)

Enjoy the Austen goodness, lovelies! Now I'm off to sample a couple new Austen-retellings that sound intriguing... :D


  1. A new, "darker" version of P&P? I'm cautiously intrigued. But I'm with you on being confused as to what "less bonnet-y" might mean. Less emphasis on costumes???

    1. Hamlette: Maybe? I thought about that myself, wondering if they're planning to just be more modern in costumes or what. Guess we'll see! I'm with you though, while definitely intrigued, I'm a little cautious about what their expected changes will bring...

  2. Replies
    1. Kami: Right? It will certainly be interesting where the new adaptation goes.

  3. Ok, I started watching the LBD cast play the game. It's hilarious, now I want the game.

    And um, sounds like they are going to ruin it with modern angst and psychology and bitterness and kill-joyness like they're doing with Anne. Except at least the Anne novels had bad things (which as far as I've heard are being twisted and perverted beyond anything meant in the book). Where on earth are they going to find the kind of dark they need to . . . nevermind. They will make it seem like every sin is a crime . . . the Bennets are abusive parents, etc. and every great wrong even worse, seductions become abductions.

    1. Livia: Right?? ME too! :D

      Yeah, that's what I'm a little afraid is their actual plan. And while I've heard lots of good things about the new Anne, I'm just not convinced enough to try it yet myself. And I'm not really wanting P&P to become that!! At all. Jane tackles serious issues by touching on them, but not dwelling there the entire story, which is definitely how I prefer it myself. So I'm with Hamlette, feeling very cautiously optimistic. Holding out hope that I'll like it! Guess we'll see...

  4. I wonder if they're going to make it more adult and more modern? That's kind of what it sounds like. But, we'll see, I guess.

    1. Jenni: Yeah, that's where my thoughts have gone as well. It could possibly work...if they handle it well. But I'm kinda picky with my Jane Austen adaptations, so we shall see what I think I suppose! :)


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