March 19, 2013

Flipping Pages, Holding Pages, Quirks Are Abounding Over Here!

{Yes, that is my weird looking hand in that picture. Just ignore how strange it looks. And for the record, my skin is not typically that shade of reddish, orange-ish, whatever-color-ish.}

Good day to you! :)

So I was noticing something recently. Well, actually I've always noticed it about myself, but only recently really thought about it. (Do you ever do that? Notice something but don't really think about it until one day it hits you? And you wonder why on earth you do it? Yes? No? Maybe it's only me then.)

Observantly, I have tended to notice that when I'm reading a book, physically holding it in my hands I mean, I do this funny little thing with my fingers. If you can see beyond the unnatural color of my hand in the picture above, you will notice my fingers. See how they are all holding different sections of the pages? Yeah, that's precisely what I do.

While I'm reading, my hands never stay still. I'm flipping pages and holding different sections of pages together. Then I let go of those pages and my fingers flip to another section. Occasionally, I do have to remove my riveted eyes from the page I'm reading and adjust my fingers however they need. But normally I do all this movement very unconsciously.


Mostly unconsciously. Obviously I've noticed it, hence this post. But you know what I mean!

Anyway. Yes. Movement happens. I have absolutely no idea why I do this. But when I've got a book in my hands, my fingers refuse to simply stay on the covers. In and out of the pages they go. Around and around and up and down and everywhere. They simply don't stay still.

Actually, now that I'm analyzing it, it's probably got something to with the fact that I don't usually sit very still either. I do change position pretty often. So I suppose that my fingers are just following the lead of the rest of my body. Hmmmm. Hadn't thought about that til right this second. Sounds pretty credible, right?

So. I'm sharing all this fascinating commentary with you because I'm curious whether anyone else ever does this. Do you? Or do you sit perfectly still, hands included?

Am I the only weird one around here? It's perfectly okay if I am. I'm quite used to that actually. But I just thought I'd check to see if anyone else has this funny little quirk. Because you know what they say! When you have a quirk, you instantly want to know if someone else has ever dealt with it.

Well, someone's probably said it sometime or other anyway. I mean I just did say it! So if nothing else, I'm the "they" in this scenario.

Toodle-loo kangaroos!


  1. I sit fairly still when I read, just changing position if I get uncomfortable. Unless I'm rocking a baby, then I rock the chair back and forth. I tend to hold the book in only one hand, as I'm usually nursing a baby when I read, and that's been the case for 5 years and 3 kids now, so I can hold even really thick books with one hand and turn the pages with that same hand, which I consider an accomplishment ;-)

    1. I am definitely impressed, Hamlette! I can hold a book in one hand but as many times as I've tried to turn the pages with that same hand, I can never do it. So I am truly impressed that you've managed this difficult skill! Perhaps if I have babies one day, I'll acquire it also, at least out of desperation to be able to read. :D

  2. I don't do that with my fingers, but I am always fidgeting when sitting still (I guess thats not really sitting still). Here is one of the many wierd things that I do, and believe me there are many. I read magazines from the back to the front. Not really reading backwards (I'm not that talented), but I start with the story in the back and then read my way to the front. I never noticed it till someone pointed it out to me, and told me her mom does that too. I think it's because my brain wants to do most things with my left hand, and its the easiest way to flip the magazine with my left hand. Even more funny because I write with my right hand.
    Kimberly ;D

    1. Now that is interesting, Kimberly! So glad I'm not the only one with a weird quirk (or three). :D

      Fidgeting is definitely something I'm great at. I haven't tried reading a magazine from back to front before, but now I'll have to to try just to see what it may be like. Your brain must be exceptional if you're right-handed but still do most other things with your left. ;P

      Isn't it so nice to know other weird people exist out there in the world, with funny quirks too? I sure think so! ;) (Btw, I really do like your quirk!)

  3. You are not wear! I totest twist and turn my books because I tend to be pretty fidgety sometimes, even if i'm liking what I'm reading :P


    1. I mean to say "you are not weird!" lol

    2. Thanks for the vote of confidence Alex! Fidgeting and I, we get along great. Good to know I'm not the only one! :D

      PS-don't you hate when you publish a comment and then realize you made an error after the fact? Totally been there way too many times! ;)

  4. If I have a bookmark i play with that, which sucks for my bookmarks because they end up folded beyond recongition!

    1. Ha! At least it's not the book pages, Martha! :)

      Does that mean you tend to go through a lot of bookmarks, then? I know I sure do. Not from folding them, but just from misplacing them. I lose so many bookmarks all the time. And I even purposely put them places where I know I'll find it next time and still end up losing them. Makes no sense to me.

    2. I would never do that to my books! My lovely books.

      yep! I have a film strip that I use as a bookmark and it's so bent it's crazy! It's the only one that can withstand it though :D
      Maybe your dogs ate them?

    3. Either that or they end up wherever lost socks go. ;P

      I was watching this lady today read a section out of a book, and I noticed that she had taken the page and folded it in half. My first thought was "Horrors!". I wanted to cover my eyes. I couldn't do that do my books either. No no no, definitely not.

    4. Where do those socks end up.....

      :O What?! That lady is crazy! Her books won't survive very long if she keeps doing that! I'd like to read my books 60 years from now! Maybe pass them down to my kids!

    5. My thoughts exactly! I want my books to last a looooooong time. And even pass them to my kids or nieces/nephews, like you said. It even bugs me when I see others folding the covers back or whatever. Books should be taken care of! :)

  5. Hey Madd Rose here! I know you've already been awarded the Liebster Award, but I wanted to recognize you as a wonderful blog, you don't have to answer the questions if you don't want to. I just thought you might be interested. Here's the link:

    1. Thanks Maddie Rose! I really enjoy your blog also. :)

    2. OH! And I wanted to add that I appreciate when you stop by here and comment. It's been fun getting to know you! :D


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)