March 4, 2013

Little Letters Third Edition

Dear Cold/Flu/Whatever You Are, after three days, it's seriously time for you to go! I'm feeling somewhat better now, so yay for that. But still! You are no fun at all, so go and never, ever, ever come back! The only good thing about you was that I got lots of reading done. Which is nice and all, but I'd still rather feel good.

Dear Book 1, you were kind of intense. Good! But intense. Which must explain why the next three books were nothing but fluff. But thanks for taking my mind off feeling horrible. Turns out when you're really into a story, you can kinda forget you're sick. But only kinda.

Dear Books 2, 3, & 4, thanks for being fluffy and cute. I needed something to laugh at while simultaneously coughing and hacking and sniffing. Your silliness was just what I needed!

Dear Zach-Attack, I loved our conversation the other night! I can't believe you're almost 10 already. Where does the time go? And yes! A teleporter would be awesome! I could come visit you whenever I want and you could come see me too. What a fabulous idea! And I love that you really want to come visit me. We live entirely too far apart, don't we? Who do you think we can convince to invent one of those just for you and I? Thanks for being the awesome-est nephew a girl could ever ask for. :)

Dear Almond Blossoms, thanks for finally arriving. The other day I loved driving out through all the orchards that you made lovely and cheerful and springy. I only have to look at my pictures of you to smile again. 

Dear Karla, thanks for the opportunity to win a couple books recently! It was an extremely pleasant surprise to find that out. Definitely a great way to make me feel better. Your blog (Ramblin' Roads) looks like fun. I look forward to getting to know you better. And chatting about books! Which is always a great time. :)

Dear Readers, I hope your weekend went better than mine. But the upside is now I should have several book reviews showing up this week. Gotta look for the silver linings, right? I hope to catch up on all your goings-on blog-wise this week. It never fails to amaze me how behind you can get after just a few days. So here's hoping this week is awesome for us all!

Toodle-loo kangaroos!


  1. Sorry you are sick, Get well soon! I know exactly what you mean about the fluff books being a relief after an intense one. After reading BRAIN ON FIRE (intense), I really enjoyed IN NEED OF A GOOD WIFE--entertaining historical fiction.

    1. Thank you Karen. FINALLY getting there! :)

      I haven't read either of those, but I'll check them out. And yes, intense reads need to followed by something lighter. A good balance of both!

  2. Aw! Kara, feel better. :/ Being sick is a bore. Never fun. And takes a lot out of you. Hope you are back to feeling like your wonderful self!

    Love all of these - and cannot wait for those reviews. At least there's one good thing to your weekend. :)

    Lovin' your letters. Hopefully next week, I'll have some more. :)

    1. Thank so much Rissi! Being sick is terrible! I forget how awful it is until I experience it again. Hopefully this will fulfil my quota for a LONG time! :)

      Now I need to pop over and see what you've been up to this week. ;)

  3. *hugs* Get better Kara!! and yeah for books 2, 3, and 4 :D
    Feel better!

    1. Hugs are awesome! Thanks Alex! :D Think I'm finally on the other side of this awful stuff.

  4. Wait. Are things blooming and growing where you live?! I'm still buried under snow!

    1. Ah yes, the joys of living in a warmer climate! The almond trees always start blooming towards the end of February, so it starts looking like spring pretty quick. Of course it does still get relatively chilly at night, but the really cold weather is pretty much behind us.

      Yes, I'm very spoiled and I love it! :D

    2. Well dang, that's just not fair! Trees blooming in February? I'm as liable to get a mid-spring snowstorm in April than I am blooming trees. But of late, the snow has been melting and I've heard the birds singing out there so for now, looks like spring is here. But I know better than to break out my sandals.

    3. My family doesn't think it's fair either. Which they remind me of every time we talk on the phone! ;) I confess to perhaps rubbing it in a little. But only to my family!! You can do that with family. My brothers totally deserve it! :D

      I hope spring is on its way for you. But I can't break out my sandals completely yet either. I did wear them yesterday. But rain and cold weather could still happen, so who knows. Weather is so unpredictable!

    4. Winter almost over for me? Surely you just! We had a few days of double digits, but that was just spring teasing us. We're back to negative numbers now! Ah well, I can deal with the cold a lot better than I can with the humidity in August.

    5. Yeah, I feel you there. I'd rather be cold than sweltering hot. I'm definitely a bigger fan of winter, than I am of the hot summertime. But I'm a HUGE fan of spring! When I can wear sandals but it's not really hot yet.

  5. awww cute letters. I've seen posts like these a few times, I think I'm going to start doing this. If I can remember. nice post, new follower! :)

    1. Hi Juliet! These letters are a lot of fun actually. Just a cute way to do a random post. I'll look forward to seeing yours!

      Thank you and thanks for the follow! Always glad to make new friends. :)


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