March 27, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge With Chocolate and Buttercups

1. What are your plans for Easter? Are you cooking a big lunch or dinner? Dyeing eggs? Attending a sun rise service? Eating too much chocolate?

Our church has a morning worship service at 7 or 7:30, so I will be there. Don't know if I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed or not. But I will be there. :)

 And I'm already eating my chocolate!

See? The bags are already half gone. And yes. I'm eating them all myself. Favorite chocolates ever!

2. What is something you feel too young to do?

Complain over my sore knees when I go up stairs or when I kneel down to pick something up. I'm young! My bones aren't supposed to start creaking yet!!!

3. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..."

Of the characteristics mentioned in the biblical definition of love which do you find most difficult to live out and why?

The patient part. I impatiently wait on people to get in line or if already in line-then keep moving up when they're supposed to or give me an answer to my question right now or whatever I'm waiting for. One of my biggest faults is I interrupt a lot. I feel terrible as soon as I do it, but my mouth seems to think that what I have to say just can't wait. When actually it can! Patience is definitely something God is still perfecting in me.

4. What's a springtime flower you associate with your childhood?

Azalea's-my mom has several bushes near the front door, so I would notice them every spring

Oh! I also looked forward to Buttercups. And of course we had to hold them underneath our chins to see if we liked butter or not. ;)

5. Ever sung karaoke? If so, what's your go-to song? If not and you're given the opportunity, would you?

No I haven't. And.......maybe?? You'd have to convince me pretty well to attempt it. The last time I voluntarily sang a solo in front of other people was high school. One of my history teachers gave out extra credit to anyone willing to sing the National Anthem. Extra credit is a great incentive let me tell you! ;D

6. What is something you keep in a basket?

Well, I looked around my house and I couldn't find a single basket anywhere. :/

7. When was the last time you felt foolish?

Sometime in January I left my car headlights on. Needless to say, the battery went dead. This wouldn't sound too bad, except I had just done the same thing in December and told myself I would remember next time! Yeah, so much for that idea.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

One of the next books I plan to read reminded me of this 80s movie with David Bowie.

Have you seen it? Did you like it? I watched it for the first time a few years ago and loved it immediately! Yes, it's very dated. But so much fun! I've always enjoyed fantasy stories and this one is crazy and silly and awesome! At least that's my opinion of it. I know it wasn't all that popular when it first came out. But somehow it's endured and I'm so glad I have the chance to watch it anytime I want. Since my first viewing, I've watched it countless times. And I'm sure many more are in my future. :)

Toodle-loo kangaroos!


  1. I'm right with you on the sore knees; however, lately they have been good. Praise God!

    My childhood flower would be snap dragons--we used to have some along the side of our house. I liked pinching them and also thought they had a cool name!

    I don't sing on key so never did Karaoke, probably never will.

    Last time I felt foolish was just last Saturday when I realized I left my purse at work:

    1. Forgetting stuff simply makes you feel ridiculous doesn't it, Karen? I know that feeling entirely too well. :)

      Snap dragons is such a cool name! And they are so colorful. I like them too.

      Thanks for playing along! :D

  2. I'm with you on the early service, I'll be there but not sure bright eyed :) We have never been to a sunrise service before moving here and this will be our 3rd year to go and I look forward to it.

    1. I am so not a morning person, but I love the early service on Easter morning! That's one morning that I absolutely want to get up and see the day arrive. Even if I'm blinking sleepily at it. ;D

  3. Ahhh, Labyrinth. Brings back fond memories of my sophomore year in college, living in an on-campus apartment with three friends and watching wacky 80s movies on cable when we should have been studying, hee. "You remind me of the babe. What babe? The babe with the power. What power? The power of voodoo. Who do? You do? I do what? Remind me of the babe..." Okay, that's going to be stuck in my head all day now :-)

    1. Hamlette, just so you know, after I read your comment the other day, I had that song in my head all day long!!! Thanks so much for that. ;P

      I've actually never watched it with anyone else, but I think that would definitely add to the experience. Isn't it such a fun movie? Wacky and crazy but awesome!

  4. I loved that movie!!! So weird, but cool.

    Oh lady - my knees are sympathizing with you!!!

    I think you may be the only answer today that I've seen that has no baskets! SHOCK!!!! :)

    1. Ha! Thanks Rebecca! :D I figured surely I could find a basket somewhere, but if I have one it's hiding from me. And yes! That movie is definitely weird. But awesome!

  5. Truthfully i have not seen that movie though i do love a lot of the movies from the 80's. :)
    I have trouble with my lower calf muscles after i exercise, i know i am too young to complain but it still aches!

    1. Nikki, it's a pretty crazy movie. But still a lot of fun. Hope you get a chance to watch it sometime! :)

      Ah yes, aches and pains started way earlier for me than I ever anticipated they would. I have entirely too many!

  6. I find in general if I sit on the floor too long I cannot just hop right up : ) I haven't broken into the chocolate yet, but I think I've eaten about 2 lb. of jelly beans. oops.

    1. Those jelly beans were totally an accident! Accidents happen. By accident. Definitely. ;)

  7. All I got to say is that Lindor makes the BEST ChOCOLATE EVER!!

    1. YES! THIS! Their chocolates are awesome! Today, I only have one left in each bag. I can't leave them alone. ;D

  8. Hurrah for chocolate! I hope you have a wonderful Easter! :)


    1. Absolutely agree Rebecca! Chocolate is awesome! :) And thank you. I hope you have a wonderful Easter too.

  9. LOVED your first answer about being at the early church service, Kara - usually I am not bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for ANY early morning commitment. Fortunately our church no longer has that early service. :)

    Happy Easter!!!

    1. Rissi, mornings and I are amicable. Mostly. :D I really love my weekends for getting to sleep in a little longer than normal. But Easter morning? I'm a little more willing to watch the day arrive. I'll probably be blinking very sleepily and there will definitely be no bushy tails happening, but I do love Easter morning! :)

  10. #7!!! That's funny. I'm not laughing AT you, just that I've done that so many times.

  11. I adore Labyrinth. It's one of my old time favs.


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