May 8, 2013

A Nostalgic Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When the children of today grow up, what do you think they'll say about this period in time? What do you most hope they remember?

I suspect what they'll remember is all the technology and how much it will probably have changed.

I hope they remember that no matter what comes, God is still in control.

2. National Teacher's Day is celebrated in the US of A on the first Tuesday in May, this year May 7th...share how a particular teacher positively impacted you.

Miss Ross. She was my Latin teacher in high school. Her enthusiasm always made me look forward to her class. She also helped me step out of my comfort zone and participate and talk in class (and be comfortable doing that! I was horribly afraid of speaking in front of my classmates.)

3. What's a dish your mama made, that if set in front of you today would whisk you right back to childhood?

Pon haus (or scrapple as some people call it). I personally can't stand it, but my parents loved it. Especially my dad!

This is what it looks like in it's
frozen, non-cooked form.

4. Mother May I was a game we played when I was growing pieces, parts, or plugs required. What games from childhood do you remember loving that were also pieces, parts, and plug-free?

Kick The Can - I remember playing this with my cousins in my grandma's yard.

School - I forget all the rules, but I remember we sat at the top of the stairs and somehow we would make our way down the stairs to the bottom (perhaps by answering questions or something?). The first one to the bottom won. My cousins' house had the best staircase for this game because you turned a curve in the middle! :D

5. Besides your own mother, tell us about a woman who influenced you as a child?

That would definitely be my cousin Deborah! She was a teenager when I was born and starting from when I was about 5 or 6, she always made time to spend with me. In fact, there are many, many moments (too numerous to name) when she invited me to go shopping, planned projects for us to do, or simply included me in her day. She just made a point to make me feel special and loved. Even after she got married and had a couple children of her own, she still made sure to invite me over and we'd chat as I helped her with whatever she was doing that day. When I think of my childhood, I always include her because she was so involved in my life. I could talk to her about anything! I've never asked her what made her decide to do that for me, but I'm incredibly thankful she did. Those memories are some of the best I have. :)

6. Mamma Mia! What's the best play or musical you've ever seen?

The Music Man - our high school put this production on and I loved it. And I love the movie versions too!

7. What are three smells that make you feel nostalgic?

My mother's perfume.

A campfire.


8. Insert your own random thought here.

The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks Built a DynastySo I've been listening to The Duck Commander Family audiobook this week. It's certainly made my drives to and from work a lot more interesting! Willie and Korie Robertson narrate their own book, which is fun because I love hearing their southern accents. :D

But I do have to confess that I've never watched their show. Have any of you? Do you like it? Not like it? I'm just curious what the show itself is like. I've heard good things, which is what prompted me to try the book.


  1. I'm now wishing I'd put campfire as one of my smell choices!

    1. Campfires definitely make me nostalgic! :)

  2. We played kick-the-can every day one summer until my mom says we couldn't play it anymore--guess it got too noisy with so many kids coming over to join us. Then we changed to "Boot-the-Bottle." Same game, different name--that was my idea! Other games we used to play are Huckle Buckle Beanstock (one hides a small object and everyone else looks for it), Johnny can't Cross My Ocean, Red light, Green light and What time is it Mr. Fox? We also played Mother May I sometimes.

    1. Karen, weren't those games so fun back then? Boot the Bottle-what a great idea! You were obviously quite a mastermind back then. :D

  3. Scrapple-blech! My dad loved it though...I think maybe you have to grow up on a farm to appreciate it : ) I love Duck Dynasty!

    1. Joyce, I definitely think you had to grow up on it to enjoy it! Whatever it takes to make you like it, it never has worked on me. ;) And thanks for your input!

  4. I have never heard of scrapple. It doesn't look very appealing.

    1. It's really not. Unless you grew up on it like my dad, in which you love it. :)

  5. My husband was just telling our kids about playing "kick the can"! I never played it as a kid, our street wasn't conducive to it, but that's funny that both you and Joyce mentioned that game! I've never seen Duck Dynasty, but I hear good things about it!

    1. Kick the Can was very popular among my cousins! We played it just about every time we got together. :) I've heard good things too, and as I'm enjoying the book, I think I want to check out the show sometime soon.

  6. campfire was a smell oN MY LIST TOO! but now that i think about it, i dont like the way my sclothes smell after a camp fire...Music man is one of my all time favorite musicals :)

    1. Very good point. The after-smell is not nearly as appealing! But while I'm enjoying the fire, I love it. :) I think I can just about sing along with all the songs from that musical, I've seen it so many times.

  7. Oooh! I saw a version of The Music Man too, Kara several years ago now at a local theater and it was STUPENDOUS! Have also seen: Oklahoma!; 7 Brides for 7 Brothers; You Can't Take it With you; Sound of Music; Little Women and Mamma Mia! All were good though some were better, production wise than others.

    There is something unique about seeing something live on stage.

    1. Rissi, I just love The Music Man! It always makes me sing along and tap my toes. Plus the story is so much fun. :D

      I've seen The Sound of Music once and it was great. But not any of the others live. Little Women seems like an awesome play! Of course I love the story, but haven't ever seen the play.

      And you're so right, seeing something live on stage just brings it alive for me. I think it makes me feel a little more involved in the story or something. :)

  8. I have not watched any Duck Dynasty, although I've heard people talking about it everywhere. Not having seen any of it, I question people's sanity...but then again, since so many "reputable" people like it? I dunno...

    1. Kellie, I started seeing things around in advertisements and such and then some friends started posting stuff on Facebook about it. Made me curious. But I still haven't watched the show yet. I have been enjoying the book about their family though. Quite an interesting life that they've led! :)


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