June 26, 2015

Five Things For Friday

Thing 1 - Precisely what the picture says. I hope you are having a delightful Friday! If not, well....at least tomorrow's the weekend, right?

Thing 2 - The lovely Amber is hosting "A Special Jane Austen Read-Along" in July! I hope you'll join in the fun? We're reading Persuasion, which just happens to be my fave Austen book (and I promise I had absolutely no say in choosing it. It's Amber's fault that I get to gush over this story for three whole weeks! ;)

Thing 3 - The Inspy Award winners will be announced on Sunday, June 28th! I haven't talked much about it here, but I had the honor of participating this year and let me just say that every single book nominated in my category was wonderful. Check out the shortlists here.

Thing 4 - If you enjoy The Lord of the Rings and/or The Hobbit movies, you should go gush with Hamlette. She spent four months writing 28 different posts about her favorite things in the movies. From favorite scenes, favorite costumes, favorite one-on-one fights, favorite songs, etc, she covers it all! Seriously. Go check it out.

Thing 5 - Stay tuned! On Saturday (that's tomorrow, folks!) I have an awesome cover reveal and giveaway coming.

Happy Friday, my lovelies!


  1. Happy Friday to you too! Hands fun reading Persuasion. It's my favorite Austen too.

    1. Jenny: Yay! Another Persuasion fan! Always fun to meet another one. :)

  2. Yay! What a great list for Friday. :)

    Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about the read-along! Looking forward to chatting with y'all. I best prepare for some epic gushing. ;)

    Also looking forward to the INSPY winners announcement and the cover reveal! Fun times!

    Happy Friday, friend!


    1. Thanks, Amber! :) And you're welcome. I'm excited for the read-along! I will be unable to participate every single day, but will probably do at least one or two posts each week to catch up. Hope that's ok!

      Ha! Yeah, I'll try to hold my gushing back a little. But this story just makes me happy! :D

      Hope you had a lovely 4th of July!

  3. Oh man, I just participated in a Persuasion read-along earlier this year, but I'm so tempted to do another. I'll have to check it out!

    I'm glad you enjoyed my Middle Earth Movies meme :-) It was super fun to come up with all those questions and then answer them! I'm considering doing another series like that again this fall. Totally different subject matter, though.

    1. Also, I tagged you here. Play if you want to!

    2. Hamlette: Persuasion for the win! Although I completely understand if you're unable to find the time. Life is crazy busy for us all I think. But do join in if you are able! :)

      I really did enjoy those posts a lot. Haven't commented much, for which I apologize. My blog reading time has been very limited in the last couple months. But I hope to catch up soon!

      Another series, huh? And now I'm intrigued. Will look forward to it! :) Also thanks for the tag, I'll go check it out.


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)