December 5, 2015

Thoughts For the Moment

Here am I, sitting and typing. Hoping for this tiny bit of moment in time I can cobble together a post so my readers will know that I'm not forgetting them. Hoping for a few seconds to click over to a friend's blog and catch up on her posts. Alas, here am I, scrambling to find words after realizing the post I had planned is much wordier than I thought. (I know. All my posts tend to be that way, don't they? What can I say? I like words. I use them a lot. Therefore, you get a lot to read. Yay?) Instead of feeling accomplished with all I got done this day, here I sit in my favorite chair at the library (am I the only one who has one of those?), wondering when I'm finally going to be able to do everything in the allotted amount of time I get for blogging each week (which is never enough, let me tell you. *sigh*).

So! With Jane Austen in my head, books all around me, real life friends with struggles that hurt me too, questions unanswerable (at least for the moment), words anxious to be written, blogs not visited (I have dreams of clicking over to your posts, friends! Some day. I shall conquer this!), comments not left, pictures not taken....yes. In all the mess, here I sit. Is it just me, or do some days, some weeks or months, feel like the words and the time and ability to get it all done is just impossible?

The words are too much, I can't get them all down, so I pause, click 'save post', and write this instead.

Words are crazy things, people. Sometimes they flow, sometimes they don't. Sometimes you get lots of posts from me (which is rare, I know), sometimes I go weeks without posting. There really is no happy medium with me, is there? But lucky for me, you're still here! I'm grateful. Truly.

And now with 15 minutes left before I have to leave, I'll end with this. An actual post should hopefully be forthcoming next week. I have plans, my lovelies! I promise. My next allotted time should only be a couple days away. Thus, until that moment, hang in there with me? And while you live your lives and I live mine, busy as they always are, we'll take a moment right this very second and breathe together. Okay?



And there you go.



  1. LOVE.

    Refreshing post. Never feel like I have enough time, either, friend. Currently taking a short break, too :-) Words, can be so complicated, heh? And life for that matter. Sigh.

    (PS : I also have a fav chair/spot at the library, too!) xx

    1. Aw, thank you, Ganise. Words (and life!) can definitely be complicated! It's good to take a breather once in a while and smell the roses, so to speak. :) And yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! There's just one spot I always gravitate toward every time I go.

  2. Lovely! I think we all feel this way. Way to capture it so beautifully with words.

    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! I always so appreciate your comments and encouragement. :)

  3. What great thoughts! And, it's so appropriate for this time of year when everyone seems in a hurry to get somewhere or do something. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy the moment! (And I'm looking forward to whatever post is next, whenever it may be published :)

    1. Thanks, Courtney! I just needed to remind myself that it's okay when I don't get every post finished and perfect and posted every week. This little spot is dear to me and however it all works out is just as it's meant to be! I'm pleased my words could encourage. Thank YOU for reading and commenting! :)

  4. That really described my entire autumn. I did manage to lead the Hamlet read-along, but blogging beyond that barely happened. Because my whole life kept going on hold, or at least it felt like that -- Cowboy had to travel a TON -- almost 40 days from mid-September through early December. So we'd have normal life for a week or two, and then Surviving Without Daddy for a week or two, and then back to normal life, over and over and over. So weird and stressful. I'm so happy it's over! Last month, I quit reading other people's blogs entirely because I just couldn't find the time. So now I'm working on catching up! I hope January gives you some breathing room and time to sort things out -- I'm looking forward to that myself :-)

    1. Hamlette: Life just happens sometimes, doesn't it? Every time I think I'll have a moment to catch up, something else happens to derail my good intentions. But January has had some breathing room, so yay for that! I still haven't gotten as much blogging done, reading or writing (the weather derailed that plan last weekend), but have had lots of time for thinking and reading stories. Which is always nice! :) Hoping to get a bit more organized and caught up within the next week or two. I hope, I hope!

      I also hope your January has been good! Stress and busyness makes for seeking rest very necessary. Hopefully you've had some breathing room as well?

    2. We got snow! Which gave us some breathing room because Cowboy's work was closed for 2 days, so he was able to catch up on a bunch of paperwork and some stuff around the house, and he also spent time with the kids, which gave me some time to catch up on stuff as well. Hooray for snow!

    3. Hamlette: Hooray for snow indeed! As much as I disliked having to shovel it, I will admit that having the time to just be was very nice. I'm glad you were able to catch up as well! Yay for family time and for husbands who help with the kids when they're able! :)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)