July 14, 2016

7 {Bookish} Things I've Noticed Recently

1. I finally believe the characters who still get teary-eyed when they talk about one (or both) of their parents years after said parent has passed away. I never realized precisely how you just know that you'll be affected by this loss for the rest of your life. And when a character was still really sad, I often skimmed right over that and didn't really think about it. I know better now.

2. I have several bookmarks.....which I never, ever seem to use. They're even conveniently laying on my bookshelves! Yet every time that I need one, I'm not right by them it seems like, so I end up using an assortment of things. Usually a random piece of paper or receipt to be honest.

3. Sometimes when my hearts in turmoil I can't read anything! And sometimes I read voraciously. I've yet to figure out what makes the difference...

4. If I lay a book down for more than a day or two, it will most likely go MONTHS before I pick it up again. Even if I really like the book! No, I don't know why.

5. It is entirely possible to not love a book, yet still be amazed at the author's skill with writing. AND to want to devour the other books in the series! (All dependent on it being a part of a series, clearly.) Maggie Stiefvater anyone.....???

6. Characters can (and will!) enter my heart and never leave. Thereafter (for DAYS) I think about them constantly and they just cause a *happy dance* inside when I do. (I just finished The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof and y'all need to meet Charlie. REALLY TRULY. Do it. The book comes out 8/1/16 and you should just plan to buy it now. Trust me. :)

7. I've been doing a LOT of reading lately. If you follow me over on Goodreads then you've maybe noticed too? It's been fun! I've just surprised myself. Wonder how long it'll continue....


  1. I never understood longing for someone who has passed either until my mom passed away. It has been a little over 3 years and while I'm not as sad as I was when she first passed, I still have my moments and I always miss her. I think I always will.

    1. Jenni: Right? I get that now and I completely agree. I don't think it'll ever go away. That's okay though. It's nice to know someone else understands.

  2. I'm the very same way when I'm feeling emotional - or sometimes Ill have to read something that wont trigger any emotions, like a Nancy Drew book or something!

    1. Stefanie: Yes! I don't get why I react one way this time and another way this other time. Ah well. Good to know someone else is the same! :)

  3. I love unexplained bookish habits. It makes life fun.

  4. Number 3! Yes! What is that difference? I don't know either!

  5. I agree with everything! And yay for a lot of reading! I hope to figure this out again some day. :)

    1. Suey: Double yay for lots of reading! If you ever understand it, you're welcome to explain it to me. :)

  6. Lovely list, Kara. Characters DO enter our hearts and become sort of friends.And yay for reading a lot! Have a great weekend, Kara! :)

    1. Miranda: Right? They really do! And thank you. I hope you're having a lovely weekend yourself! :)

  7. I have this massive stack of bookmarks that I never use; I just say that I'm bookmark-collecting, really :) Great list, Kara!

    1. Lianne: I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Massive stacks of bookmarks for the win! ;)

  8. Cool list! #5 is so true for me, in particular.

    1. Hamlette: Right? I'm fascinated by the fact that I can love the author's writing but not their story itself. Perhaps that just means I will love another of their books? Hmmmm...


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