July 18, 2016

Mailbox Monday :: Edition the Second

Do you remember long ago when I participated in this meme for the first (and only) time? You probably don't. It was pretty insignificant really. But! As I went book shopping this weekend, I found a couple beauties and decided now would be the perfect time to join in again! I mean, who doesn't love to add books to their towering TBRs or just admire beautiful covers?

{For any and all info about this meme, please click here.}

So let's get to the pretties...

Firstly, I admit to buying this one purely because of that gorgeous cover! The colors are even more amazing in real life, for the record. :) But it also happens to be the final book of a series that has been on my radar for a few years. I've been impatiently waiting for this one to come out so I could read the series. Y'all know how I much prefer reading an entire series in one fell swoop! Thus, I decided the best option was to purchase the last book first. Great plan, right? Makes perfect sense? ;) Still, perfect sense or not, I am very pleased to have this sitting on my bookshelf in all it's prettiness.

I know a certain someone (*ahem* Emma) is going to be thrilled to see Yankee Stranger in that picture! I have it on my TBR because of her. And you don't know how excited I was to find that copy. The book isn't in print anymore, so this was a huge (and happy!) surprise! :) I already own a copy of The Scorpio Races, but I love that book so much I could not leave it at the store! Perhaps I should have a giveaway for it? (Would anyone actually be interested?) And A Grief Observed seemed appropriate for my life right now. I've always enjoyed C.S. Lewis' books, but I've never read this one.

So! What books have you bought recently?


  1. The cover for A Tangle of Gold is lovely! I haven't bought any books recently, but I have plans to. I saw the prettiest leather-bound editions of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility the other day. I have copies of the first two, but I really wanted to get S&S, but didn't have the money with me to buy it. Sigh... maybe someday! Hope you're doing well, Kara!

    1. Miranda: Isn't it? I just like to admire on my bookshelf. :) I've seen several beautiful copies of Austen's books that I'd love to own! Wouldn't it be so nice to have unlimited amounts of money when it comes to book-buying? *daydreams happily* :)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)