September 21, 2016

30 Days of Books :: Day 7

And another one! I'm on a roll this week, huh? ;)

{joining Jenni}

Day 7 :: Most underrated book

I don't know if this counts as underrated or not, but I'm choosing it. Underrated can mean underappreciated and this book certainly falls under that category. Definitely The Blue Castle! Because while I've seen this one around the blogosphere several places, I'd never heard of it until I started reading reviews. Anne (of Green Gables fame) is so widely known and poor Valancy just gets the short end of the stick. (Even in her own story!) As wonderfully good as this book is, I really can't figure out why more people don't seem to know about it. When I mention to friends how much I loved it, they have no idea what book I'm talking about. ( be honest this is typical as most of my real life friends don't read. But still! My point stands. *nods* Yes indeed.) Watching Valancy find her brave is so inspiring and I can attest that several rereads do not diminish her awesomeness!

Long story short? More people need to read this book! The end.


  1. I've not read this novel, but given how much you and Rachel rave about it, remedying that is priority. I have this one on my shelf (with the cover you feature) so yeah, no more excuses. :)

    1. Rissi: YES! This book most definitely needs priority. ;) And isn't that particular cover gorgeous? I hope I can own that copy some day soon.

  2. Loved this novel as a teen! Still do - must read it again sometime soon. Hugs xo

    1. Rel: It's simply a delight, isn't it?! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

  3. I've never even heard of this one. I only know of Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery. Obviously, it's very underrated. :)

    1. Jenni: And so you make my point! :) It really is a wonderful story.

  4. Oh dang! I haven't heard of this one, and I love the Anne books. I'll have to check this out! Thanks for bringing it my attention.

    1. Kami: You're so welcome! I am always happy to point someone else to this book. It's such a delightful story! :)

  5. I've heard of and read this one! I liked it!

  6. girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can I borrow this book? I am one of your real life friends that does read but have never heard of this book!

    1. Karen: You may, so long as you take good care of it! :)

  7. Yes and Yes and YES!

    I'm going to re-read it this winter. It feels like a perfect winter book, to me -- maybe because my favorite part is when they're living on the island in the winter?

    1. Hamlette: I say rereading this one any time of the year is an excellent plan! :D But it does have a good winter vibe going on. Plus I, too, love those months when they're living on the island! Ah, my heart squeezes just at the thought of those chapters. :)


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