November 10, 2016

Review: Haunting Joy: Book 2 by Lena Goldfinch

This was such a fun little story! I probably should have read book one first, but instead I dived right into this one. Lucky for me it's not too difficult to figure things out. (Although I do still want to go back and read the first book now.) Joy is a sweet girl who just happens to get haunted by ghosts. And the current ghost is slightly inconvenient. I mean, when you're a teenage girl, the last thing you want is to be stuck with is a teenage boy, right? Especially if he has amnesia and can't just tell you who he is and why he died!

I liked the fact that Joy took all this haunting business in stride. It was inconvenient, yes, but she got over it and decides to help Kyle, even when he's being annoying. :) She cares, and that's a good way to be. She's also lucky to have a best friend who doesn't think she's crazy! I enjoyed Em and Joy's friendship. They understand each other, and Em sticks by her side no matter what. That's a true friend right there! And then there's Nick. He and Joy are pretty adorable together. I definitely need to read about how their relationship got started! Their romance is a fun addition to the story.

Things move at a pretty quick pace, and there's quite a bit that goes on. Poor Joy has quite the time, especially when it comes to convincing people (Nick) that she's not crazy. But others accept it rather quickly, which helps with trying to get Kyle to "move on". Overall, it's simply an entertaining way to spend a couple hours! This story made me smile and distracted me from real life for a bit, which is all I wanted. :)

**I received a complimentary copy from the author. All opinions expressed are my own.

Maybe it's something I caught from being around Kyle. Like a cold.
I'm drawing the line at eating eggs, of course, but I have to admit I actually kind of like iced coffee with cream and no sugar now. I got that from him. With Beth, I was wearing dresses. Em's got me wearing pink nail polish. On my toes. And now this.
I'm turning neat.
What is happening to me?


  1. This looks fun and with lots of good characters too. The fact that you could get invested in this story without having read the first says a lot about the author's writing talents.

    1. Jenny: It is fun. And yes, you said it best. Her writing talents are great! :)


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