September 3, 2017


Listening To:  Lindsey Stirling on youtube! This song is one of my current favorites...

Reading:  I've not been doing much reading here recently. (I know!) But I've got a few books for review, so I'm hoping to dive into A New Shade of Summer by Nicole Deese next! :)

Enjoying:  All the memories from CFRR a few weeks ago, as well as the lovely bookish birthday party a friend hosted in my honor last weekend. See that glorious cake she made for me?! *all the heart eyes*

Watching:  Amber and I had a twitter-watch-along the other week. We watched P&P 05 and tweeted all our favorite quotes and moments. It was a blast! Plus it had been way too long since I'd watched that movie. Definitely one of my favorites!

Feeling:  Excitement! There's some new things that seem to maybe be happening in my near future, we shall see. Not certain what it's going to look like precisely, but it's exciting to contemplate! :D

Craving:  The last yummy delicious carmelita that I know is waiting for me at home. Mmmmm....

Loving:  Spending a few hours in the library this Saturday afternoon. I haven't been able to come here as often as I wished to recently, and I've missed it! My happy place...

Anticipating:  A couple trips that I have planned for this fall. Nothing huge, but one is just a quick little getaway with friends and the other is a trip with my family. I love road trips! :)

I hope your weekend has been delightful, friends!


  1. That cake is awesome! Suey used to do this, but she hasn't in a long time. Maybe I should pick it up. It is a meme?

    1. I second Kami, that cake is awesome! Fun little road trips are awesome. Have fun!

  2. I agree with Kami and Jenny. The cake is awesome! :) Where are you planning to go on your road trips?

  3. That cake = baking goals. And happy (belated) birthday! :) It sounds like you're having a wonderful end of summer. I could use a few hours at the library, too--I know what you mean when you say it's your happy place.

    Serena | poetree

  4. Love that cake! Your friend did a great job. Glad that you've been doing well, Kara!


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