September 13, 2017

Review: A New Shade of Summer by Nicole Deese

I don't know what it is about Ms. Deese's writing, but it sucks me in every single time. I am a mess of emotions after reading this one, friends! If you get nothing else out of this review, please just remember this one thing...READ IT. Don't wait, but read it now! I really don't think you'll regret it.

(But y'all know I like lots of words, so no way am I planning to just leave you there! ;)

To be truthful though, it had been a while since I read book two, A Season to Love, so I'd kind of forgotten who was who in the awesome town of Lenox. Not to worry though, because Ms. Deese gave just enough hints and background (without actually giving background, just sliding the info in around the goings on, kudos to her) for my recall to get kicked into gear! And I remembered how badly I felt for Davis in that book, yet how I just knew he wasn't the right guy for Willa. So I became all anxious to make sure Callie would be a good fit for him! And for Brandon. (I can't tell you how badly I wanted to make he and Brandon's father-son relationship all better. SO many times did I want to jump in the story and give both of them a hug. Thank goodness for Callie!)

Oh friends, can I just tell you how much I loved Callie? I seem to say that with each new character I meet in this series, but it's really true this time! ;) She really does shine bright in every way, not just in her hair color. Her ability to make others immediately feel comfortable in her presence is amazing (except for maybe Vivian, but she seems a hard nut to crack in general anyway). So please believe me when I say that Davis and Callie fit perfect! One bad first impression could not keep their friendship from blossoming, and once again, I was reminded how much I love reading about a really great friendship that turns into something more. Their rapport was fair immediate, bad first impression notwithstanding, and they truly brought out the best in each other. The way they both brought new color into each other's lives? In more ways than one? Ah, my heart! They truly love each other so, so well. And the way that Callie was able to connect to Brandon right from the getgo? That was cause for plenty of heartwarming moments for me. I loved how she innately understood him and what he needed without him having to say a single word. And she thought she wasn't cut out to be a mother! Silly girl.

Also I loved, loved, LOVED getting the perspectives of both Callie and Davis during pivotal moments. I've read plenty of stories that involved more than one point of view, but this seems like the first one where each chapter led to a different POV but not always a different scene. So seamless was the transition that it felt natural and real. (Plus I just really liked getting in both of their heads during certain moments especially! ;) I had the thought early during my reading that I really liked this way of handling dual viewpoints, because it simply felt less discombobulating than changing POV mid-chapter. This isn't to say that one is better than the other, but it just worked really well for this story in my opinion!

Last but not least, can I just mention this? Ms. Deese has often swept me up onto her fictional town of Lenox and the myriad of wonderful people who live there, but I am simply in amazement once again at her ability to make me feel the incredible chemistry between two people. I felt those zings and crackles right along with Callie! How does a writer do that anyway? Oh! And one more thing, can Lenox actually exist in real life? I'd really like to visit there and see Callie's murals in person! That would be amazing. :)

**I received a complimentary copy from the author via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

"Grief is carried on a moving current. Sometimes it's swift and sometimes slow, but it's never stagnant. Because stagnant water doesn't process. It festers."

"Our connection to art has less to do with talent and more to do with the emotion it stirs inside us. And perhaps our willingness to feel that emotion."

"The only way to heal from our hurt was to journey through it, not be offered an escape from it."

"I don't know how to pull him out of the world he lives in."
Slowly, I raised our joined hands and flattened Davis's palm to the wall. "Then go into his world."


  1. Sounds like a wonderful town with wonderful people to meet. I love when authors can do that!

  2. I love reading your reviews. They are so happy and full of emotion. I feel like you channel Anne Shirley. This book sounds perfect for me right now. I've been into stuff like this lately.


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