March 3, 2016

My Life According to Literature :: 2015

I saw this post on Hamlette's blog (The Edge of the Precipice), who got it from All The Pretty Books, who got it from....well you get the picture. If you follow the trail, you'll find out where it all went! Suffice it to say, this idea was not original with me. I'm just borrowing the fun. :)

So what is it exactly? I'm so glad you asked! It's basically a questionnaire about myself in which I use book titles to respond. I'm using only books I read in 2015 (obviously, hence the "2015" in the title up there, right?) and it shall be interesting to see what I come up with. (And feel free to join in the fun if you care to!)

(Yes, I am well aware that we are now in the third month of this new year. So I'm a bit behind to use only the books from last year. But if I used books from this year I don't think I'd have enough to cover it! So there.)

Describe yourself: Old Fashioned (Rene Gutteridge) 

How do you feel today: I Was Here (Gayle Forman)

Describe where you currently live: A Thing of Beauty (Lisa Samson)  {I think my little corner of the world is comfortable. There's just a feeling I can't describe when I come home.}

If you could go anywhere, you would go to: The Scorpio Races (Maggie Stiefvater)  {I'd love to meet Sean and Puck just once! And see them in action.}

Your favorite form of transportation: The Fellowship of the Ring (JRR Tolkien)  {AFTER the War of the Ring, of course! I'd love to travel with the fellowship on a vacation-type of adventure. Just spend time with them. Oh the stories they could spin for me! Except I would require the use of horses. I'd never keep up if we were walking/hiking!}

Your best friend is: A Lady of Esteem (Kristi Ann Hunter)

You and your friends are: A Broken Kind of Beautiful (Katie Ganshert)  {We've all had our share of struggles, yet we've supported each other through them and come out the other side slightly broken, but forged strong.}

What's the weather like: Winter (Marissa Meyer)  {Although it's been a bit warmer in the last few days, winter is still here.}

You fear: Mind Games (Kiersten White)  {Particularly the kind of games that require much strategizing and thinking ahead. Because I'm horrible at those!}

What's the best advice you have to give: While You're Awake (Amber Stokes)  {...and alive, live your life! There's so much life to be lived and so short a time to live it.}

Thought for the day: Return to Chocolate (Erynn Mangum)  {Chocolate is always the answer!}

How would you like to die: An Uncertain Choice (Jody Hedlund)  {I have no preferred way, to be quite honest. I just hope it's not painful.}

Your soul's present condition: The Return of the King (JRR Tolkien)  {I'm just here waiting for Him...}


  1. LOVE this! These are so fun. :) Really clever and thought-provoking choices. And chocolate is always the answer, isn't it? LOL

    Thanks so much for including While You're Awake, too! How cool to see where you put it and how you elaborated on it. :)

    You're making me want to put together my own post on this...


    1. Thanks Amber! And yes, chocolate is ALWAYS the answer. ;)

      But of course! WYA is too wonderful not to be included! And I'm glad you liked how I used it. It took me a bit to come up with that particular answer, I admit.

      You should totally do your own post! Perhaps you already have? I am SO behind on my blog reading these days...

  2. Oooooh, how fun! Now I want to try this. ;-)

    1. You should, Emma Jane! I'll have to click over to your blog and see if you did, since I'm terribly behind on my blog reading lately.

  3. Return to chocolate - Haha! I fully support this idea!

    Enjoyed reading this.

    1. Ganise: Right?! Can't go wrong with chocolate! It makes everything better! ;)

  4. Ha! I love this. Now I'm thinking how I'd answer!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! It was a fun post to write. :)

  5. Oh my goodness, I want to do this! But with my 2015 list too probably. :D Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Alyssa: I saw where you'd joined in, but haven't read your post yet. Will remedy that forthwith! I'm so glad you did. And thank YOU for commenting! :)

  6. Cool answers! I love the idea of returning to chocolate... I'll probably do that later today, heh :-)

    1. Thanks, Hamlette. Can't go wrong with chocolate, right?! ;)


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