June 25, 2016

Have I mentioned how much I love P&P&Z??

Rissi wrote about a swoony scene from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies over here. And y'all know how much I love that movie! So I wanted to share the news. :)

Here. Have some pictures to entice you.
(Also, you really should watch it if you haven't yet!)
(Also part 2, beware spoilers. Obviously.)

Pride Prejudice Zombies

Pride Prejudice Zombies


  1. Argh! I just don't think I can do it!

    1. Jenny: No worries! I get that this movie probably isn't for everyone. I'll just enjoy it for you! :)

  2. I loved this movie! It's my favorite version of Pride & Prejudice now. It was just so much fun and had all the goodness that the original had as well. I'm glad you love it too!

    1. Jenni: YAY! I'm so glad to hear that! Isn't it just SO much fun?! :D

  3. I do kind of want to see this, like if I spot it at the library some time or something.

    1. Hamlette: I'll be anxious to hear what you think! But I do understand your trepidation. It's not for everyone.

  4. Replies
    1. Kami: You should! I'll look forward to hearing what you think of it.

  5. Kara, I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for sharing this! I had WAY to much fun putting this together. When you can have this much fun while putting together an article, it's a good day indeed. ;) So appreciate the shout-out and fellow PPZ fangirl moments! :)

    1. Rissi: You're so welcome! I was just happy to know you loved the movie. P&P&Z fangirl moments for the win!! :D


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)