June 22, 2016

Little Moments :: Happy Heart :: Fifth Edition

Hello my lovelies! I hope you're all doing well. I'm.....okay. Sorta. In amongst the sad moments, there's been lots of happy moments. Truly! And I'm clinging to them right now. I think I'm still a bit in shock that mom's not here anymore, so my capacity for dreaming up happy blog posts about books and stories seems to be struggling a bit currently. But I'll get there, I just know it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

I didn't want to leave this little spot blank for days and weeks, plus I know I am SO far behind on my blog reading/commenting. *sigh* I was already behind and this has not been helping my cause! Anyhoo, I decided to focus on the happy right now. Like I said, there has certainly been lots of happy in my life! And that means y'all get to smile along with me. (I hope.)


Back at the end of April, I finally got around to shelving my books by color. And I love it! It makes me grin every single time I look over in that corner. :)

These are some of mom's pretty flowers. She always loved working out in her flower beds and I can remember dreadful hours spent in multiple plant nurseries when I was a kid. (If you can't tell, I was not a happy camper when mom said that's where we were headed. I always got so bored!)

This beautiful bouquet was delivered to me at work one day and it brightened me considerably! How can anyone stay down when glorious sunflowers are staring them in the face? Not possible! :)

Still haven't done a whole lot of reading, I just can't seem to find a book that will hold my attention. But this one did! I loved it! Hopefully I'll get to rhapsodizing on it soon, but until then I recommend you read it. Like now! :)

I met this gentle lady last weekend and was contemplating bringing her home with me. She was so sweet! Alas, I couldn't seem to commit quick enough and another family got her instead. I'm sure she's very happy there, but it'd definitely have been fun to have her around.

This picture is for the table. I found it last weekend as well and immediately loved it! It was such a great deal I had to bring it home. My nieces and nephews just shake their heads at all my yellow things, but they make me happy so... Also, I hope y'all will appreciate my Aslan sign! All my real life friends come in and ask "What's Aslan?"  (Only the awesomest lion ever!!! This experience has made me doubly determined to introduce more people to him!)

So, what's been making you happy recently?


  1. I'm glad you're finding some happy thing to focus on while you mourn. 😊 I love Aslan; he's one of my favorite characters. Next time I get a new kitty, I want to name it Aslan.

    1. Jenni: Thank you! Me too. Aslan is awesome, isn't he? I need a pet so I can use that name. :)

  2. Still thinking of you, Kara. I'm glad you've found some things to make you happy. :) Your bookshelf is positively beau-ti-ful! And oh, what sweet lady that rabbit seems to be! And I am shocked that some people don't know who Aslan is, though I believe I have ran into a few people who were unacquainted with him, myself. Cuddos to for spreading the word!

    1. Miranda: Thank you, friend! Me too. I've been surprised by how many of my friends/family don't know who Aslan is! It's lovely to introduce him though, because he's awesome. :)

  3. I'm happy that you are finding the happiness in between! I've found there is a huge difference between happiness and joy. We can still have joy in the sad and trouble because of the hope we have in Christ.

    What an adorable yellow table! That's your classic book area, yes? And what a pretty crocheted doily/table covering, too.

    1. Courtney: So true! I know you understand all too well. Hope goes a long way to bringing the joy even in sad and hard! Thank you, Jesus.

      It is! Great eye, my friend. :) Thanks! My grandma crocheted that and as she's now gone as well, it's become infinitely precious to me.

  4. That table! And those flowers! Such bright spots of cheer.

    But what kinds of friends do you have, who don't know who Aslan is? Educate them!

    And give yourself a hug from me :-)

    1. Hamlette: Right? That was my hope for that corner! :)

      I know! I can't believe how many of them don't know Aslan. It's actually really surprised me! Doing all I can to remedy that now.

      I did! Thanks, friend. :)

  5. I love this happy post! I think it should be a regular thing.

    Things that make me happy:
    My two girls
    Harmon's baked goods
    lounging around in my pajamas

    1. Kami: Thanks! That's a great idea. I should do it more often. Hmmm....

      Your pics on Instagram of your newest little are so fun! Both your girls are adorable, actually. :) And yay for pjs! I lounge in mine quite often. At least on the weekends!

  6. Kara, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You've been in my thoughts a lot these past few weeks, and continue to be so, friend. I admire you for finding happiness in these wonderful little things.

    Such a lovely bit of happy you've shared in this post. Books? Those always earn a smile (especially fairytales, right!?). Aslan? Who wouldn't love him? And that sign looks so well suited to that sunny table.

    Beautiful bookshelf, and of course, those sunny yellow flowers are sure to brighten a day anytime.


    1. Rissi: Thank you so much, friend. I appreciate that ever so much more than I can tell you with words. *hugs*

      YES. Especially fairytales! I can't believe how many people don't know who Aslan is. I'm glad you like my sunny little corner! :)

      Thank you!!

  7. That is such a lovely, cheery, yellow table -- just like the flowers in your other pictures. :)

    What's been making me happy recently? Hmmm... small adventures, timely blessings, fresh eggs from the backyard coop, and working outside every day.

    May happiness continue to find you!

    1. Serena: Thank you! :) Adventures, whether big or small, are delightful things! As are blessings. I'm glad you have bits of happy in your life as well!

  8. I was sorry to read of your loss Kara. Praying for comfort for you and your family. I love your bright spots of cheer! And your Aslan sign? PERFECT!!

    1. Julie: Thank you! That means a lot. :)

      Isn't that sign awesome? I love it!

  9. I am very sorry to read about your loss, my condolences to you and your family. I'm glad to hear your life is brightened by these little moments of beauty though!

    1. Birdie: Thank you! So much of life is the little moments and even in the hard, it's those little moments that shine the brightest for sure.


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)