September 28, 2016

30 Days of Books :: Day 8

I really need to try and post these a little more often, huh? Otherwise I'm still going to be working on this come Christmas! *note to self*

{joining Jenni}

Day 8 :: Most overrated book

11870085Whooo boy! This is another toughie. Most overrated is so very subjective, you know? (Well....I suppose all the categories are, for that matter. So that's kind of silly to say, isn't it?) And I just might have a few people call me crazy for this, but I'm going to go with The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It has all the elements of a book that I would love, fatal disease (yes, I do like those. Call it a leftover from childhood when I loved Lurlene McDaniel books. Anybody remember those?), teen romance, etc. But somehow I just couldn't get into it at all. I tried! Oh, how I tried. I even bought a signed copy at Target, so sure was I that I'd love it! But I started it and it wasn't long before I was skimming the pages, skipping multiple paragraphs and even whole chapters, just so I could get to the end and find out what happened.

To be honest, I'm still not sure precisely what it is about that book that didn't work for me. All I know is that I couldn't connect to the characters at all. that I'm thinking on it, that's probably exactly it! Characters are important for me, so I'm going to go with that.

Anyhoo, I know everybody and their neighbor LOVES this book and I am severely in the minority for not. I'll just be content over here in my little club of one. :) This book has actually made me hesitant to read any of John Green's others, I have to admit. We'll see if I ever try another one some day. Perhaps...?

What book has been over-hyped and raved about that you didn't like?


  1. I really don't like John Green's books. This one was tolerable to me. Take that into consideration before picking up one of his other books. ;)

    1. Jenny: I will! I remember your post where you and Suey bantered about his books and I thought you made some excellent points. I may try him again, but if I do it'll be a long while before that happens. I'm going to have to get this disappointment out of my system first, right now that's all I can remember whenever I see his books!

  2. I enjoyed this one, but not as much as others. I thought it was good, but very predictable, and it wasn't a tear jerker for me. I agree it is overrated.

    1. Kami: Yes! Predictable for sure and I could never work up any emotions about what was going on. I knew I was supposed to be sad, but there was no sadness happening!

  3. YES!!! I so agree with you. I didn't like this book nearly half as much as everyone else seemed to. I thought the movie was more emotional than the books was.

    1. Jenni: So the movie was sad? I haven't been able to convince myself to watch it. I definitely agree that the book really didn't stir my emotions like it was supposed to. Like at all!


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