September 27, 2016

:: Small is Beautiful ::

Serena (from Poetree), featured my blog earlier this month. (Thanks, Serena! :) As the picture above states, this is a celebration of lesser-known blogs. Basically, if you have fewer than 100 followers, you are eligible to be tagged and hopefully find some new blogs to follow and get a few new followers yourself! What a sweet idea, yes? :)

My only trouble? Finding which of the blogs I follow regularly have a small amount of followers. What I also found is not everyone states how many followers they have, sooooo....I'm totally guessing on one of these. Still, I chose three ladies whose blogs I love to read. They all share posts that make me smile with happy! (Also, please forgive the terrible screenshots. I am NOT technologically savvy, so...I did the best I could. But please don't judge my bad screenshot skills with how awesome these bloggers are, okay?)

Hannah reads a mix of books and writes very insightful reviews. I credit her with introducing books to me that I wouldn't ordinarily pick out at the bookstore. Plus she just understands my love of stories. Even if we don't always read and enjoy the same things, we can still post looonngg comments about stories in general and completely understand one another.

But one of my very favorites of her posts? Is the one in the picture up there. Her Thornton Cupcake recipe (based on John Thornton from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell) look mouth-wateringly good! And who wouldn't want to try recipes based on favorite stories? (She also has a more recent cookie recipe based on A Room With A View by E.M. Forster. Go, go! Check it out! You know you want to. :)

I love Birdie's period drama reviews! We have so many favorites in common and she keeps me updated on what's coming out. So many times her reviews have reminded me that a particular period drama is one I haven't watched yet and really want to. (What can I say? Life gets busy and I forget to keep up with these things. :) We have a mutual love of Jane Austen and other classics as well. Plus her book reviews are usually spot on for me!

Birdie is just awesome. She's learning sword fighting, people. Sword fighting! That alone makes her fabulous right there! :D

If you want to get bitten by the travel bug, just click over to Alyssa's blog. She has some fun stories and beautiful pictures to share. Not to mention lovely bookish fun now and again! She and I tend to like a lot of the same stories, she introduced me to several favorites actually! Don't you just love when a fellow reader will do that? :)

I can't forget that she also loves superhero movies and always gushes over the newest blockbusters out there. I haven't watched near as many as she has, but I do love to read her reviews. Basically? Alyssa is awesome, you should follow her blog!

Join in if you'd like! Here are the guidelines:

1. Feature 3-5 blogs with fewer than 100 followers.
2. Write 1-3 paragraphs about each blog, including information like what the blog is about, a brief bio of the blogger, and/or why you recommend their blog. Don't forget a link to their blog!
3. Include an image for each blog, whether it's a blog button, profile photo, header, or simply a screenshot of the blog.
4. Thank the blogger who featured you, and include a link to their blog. If you like, you can even include them as one of the blogs that you feature (especially if they joined the tag without having been featured by someone else).
5. Include the tag image somewhere in your post.


  1. Thanks for the intro to these blogs. They all look great. It is hard to know how many followers a blog has, isn't it? Nowadays people don't post that as much.

    1. Jenny: Yes! It is! Not that it normally bothers me, but when I was checking for this post I started really noticing how few show their followers. Kind of inconvenient, but ah well. And these ladies are fabulous! :)

  2. Yay! This is such a well-compiled post! (Your screenshots look just fine. :) ) Thanks for participating!!!

    1. Serena: Aw, thank you, my friend! Those screenshots took me a while to create and finally I decided I was just going to leave them and be satisfied. I'm glad you think they're fine! :) Thank you so much for creating this fun idea!

  3. This is a great idea! I may have to do this... on both my blogs, even!

    1. Hamlette: Please do! It's rather fun and a great way to spread the love around. :)

  4. Thank you so much for the rec of my blog! And for your very kind words! *hugs*


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet! :)