February 3, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty-One

Well, here we are again. More reviews! These are focused on stories that particularly filled me with delight when I read them. Each of these books cause me to smile inside and out when I think of them... :)

Miss Buncle's Book by DE Stevenson
Oh my goodness, I LOVED this one! Miss Buncle and her neighbors are a hoot and a half. The pickle she finds herself in and the delightful way she worries and processes through it just warmed my heart with every chapter. I really knew next to nothing about this book when I found my first copy a few years back, but the premise intrigued me so I bought it. Then I found a second copy with a gorgeous cover that made me decide it was time to actually read it and I am ever so happy I did. I smiled throughout pretty much every single chapter and now I want to find copies of the next books in the series... If you haven't tried this one yet, friends, then I highly recommend you do so!! Miss Buncle is worth spending time with, trust me. :)

Parnasus on Wheels by Christopher Morley
An unexpected delight of a story, this went very differently than I'd imagined. But that did not take away from its charms whatsoever! I saw a description of it on goodreads that called it an "unforgettably weird classic" and I'd have to agree. I mean that in the best ways possible! Because I truly enjoyed Helen's adventures. And Roger Mifflin...ah what a character he is as well. These two people are so very different, yet find much in common once their journey gets going. A super fun little story that's definitely getting added to my reread pile!

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The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 1 
by Beth Brower
I've been a fan of Ms. Brower's for some time now, but this new series truly solidifies my awe at her skill with a pen. She is incredibly talented at writing in so many different genres. This (not nearly long enough) little book was wonderful from start to finish. I was relieved, however, when I neared the end and realized there was at least one more book waiting because my investment in Emma's life needed many more pages and chapters than would fit in this one single volume. Emma's adventures in St. Crispian's and the intriguing folk who inhabit it were a lot of fun to discover. I don't quite know how to describe the pure delight found within these pages, so I will tell you this one thing: read it for yourself! I find Emma very much worth getting to know, see if you might feel the same. :)

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The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 2 
by Beth Brower
Yay for more Emma! So many more escapades and possibilities of romance...maybe, perhaps, we shall see? Whatever the future yet holds for Emma, I am so here for it. Please write more, Ms. Brower! I loved this second little peek into Emma's inner musings and it was as delightful as the first. Emma is awesome, the end. (As are quite a few of her neighbors and townspeople. Their quirkiness adds so much to Emma's own quirks and perspective on life.) Such a wonderful little book! (But seriously. I truly hope more volumes are yet to come!)

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