This is a weekly meme hosted by Bookishly Boisterous where we write about stuff. I happened to see this via Birdie at Lady of the Manor and thought I'd join in.
1. Why hello there, my lovelies! October has been busy, busy for me, what with a vacation smack dab in the middle of it and lots of catch up to do after I was home again. So I've been scarce about these parts, but no worries! I hope to be back to my regular
Beach reading is my favorite! :D |
2. The other cool thing about vacations is that when they involve roadtrips, one tends to end up with hours and hours with which to be swept away in an audio version of a story! And guess which book I finally had the chance to listen to?! (There are some in the audience who will be thrilled with this info I am sure. :) The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien. Yes! I did indeed listen to the entire thing and really enjoyed it! I think I mentioned last year, when I finished The Hobbit, that I wanted to listen to the trilogy sometime. I found the audiobooks at the library and now book one is done (getting ready to start book two, The Two Towers, in the next couple days I hope)! And let me just say this about that....Sam. Is. AWESOME. I love Sam. I really, really do! Since I've watched all the movies and loved Sam already, I knew that book-Sam would probably make me love him more. And he did! There really aren't enough words to talk about how awesome book-Sam is. When I finally get around to writing my review, I am positive I will have more to say. Until then, just know that Sam is one amazing little Hobbit who is deserving of all the bestest things Middle Earth can offer! :D

3. One thing I quickly figured out about Mr. Tolkien though? He likes his details. He loves his details, actually. And I've decided that for my first read-through of the series (because I'm pretty sure I'll want to read them again :) going the audiobook route is definitely the best for me. I think I'd have a tendency to want to skim over some of the many details that go on for pages and pages. (I'm assuming.) (I acknowledge, as someone who hasn't really skimmed through the actual books yet, that I could be wrong.) (But I'm pretty sure I'm right.) (Maybe.) But listening to all those details hasn't bothered me yet, so there you go. Audiobook it is!
4. I apologize in advance, but this news needs to be shouted. MY FRIEND AMBER HAS A NEW STORY PUBLISHED!!! YAY!!! :D She has a novelette out called While You're Awake, and it is delightful! I say this as someone totally not biased at all. ;) But truly, it is a sweet and fun story. For those not in the know, a novelette is like a mini short story, so it's not a long read. But it's just long enough to make you smile and make your heart happy dance! So you should definitely click over to Amazon (right here) and check it out. My review should be up soon! (Amber has a Pinterest board with fun little tidbits about the story, check it out here.)
5. As always, I so far behind on my reviews. *big sigh* But am determined to get them caught up! Soonish.....I hope. But until that happens, here's a few stories that should be on your radar. The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay (releasing next week!!!), Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist, and Spinning Starlight by R.C. Lewis (I mentioned Stitching Snow in a previous post and it is equally as wonderful as this second novel by Ms. Lewis, just fyi. :) Also The Gifting series by K.E. Ganshert is quite lovely as well!

7. Since that torture is almost over, I will now happily end this exclamation-point-filled post. I hope y'all have been doing well! Read anything amazing recently? Do let me know, I am always up for adding to my towering TBR. :)