If the path set before her feet was to be narrow, she knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. ~L.M. Montgomery
November 30, 2017
Listening To: Christmas music, of course! But I also just finished listening to The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (is that not the BEST title?!). I wasn't sure what it would be like, but I'd heard good things. Very unique and fun! Also, right before that, I listened to Sense and Sensibility. Yes! That S&S. First time ever reading the story and I LOVED it! After I finished, I was in the mood for more Jane Austen stories.
Reading: I'm not currently in the middle of anything actually. But a few weeks ago I devoured Speak Easy, Speak Love and LET ME JUST SAY HOW AMAZING THIS BOOK IS. I need to get my review written, but it's taking a bit of time because currently this is my thought process when I sit down to write it: aldkjf;oadijfalkdjf;lakjdf . :D
Enjoying: The atmosphere of the Christmas season. Now granted, I haven't been out in the stores braving all the crowds and craziness, but there's just something about the after-Thanksgiving-just-before-December few days of happy anticipation of Christmas! I get this indescribable feeling of wishing for awesome things to happen during the next month. Most of which probably won't! But this bit of dreaming and enjoying is simply happy-inducing to my heart. Anyone else ever get that feeling? No? Just me?
Watching: Hallmark Christmas movies! This should come as no surprise at all for anyone who knows me. I love them! Every single cheesy, predictable, teeth-achingly-sweet, guaranteed-happy-ending bit of them! So far, I think my favorite might be The Christmas Train. But I'll have to get back to you on that? Haven't seen them all yet! ;)
Feeling: Excitement for new things on the horizon! Making plans and seeing people's reactions to them and just plain happy to have something so scary-awesome to look forward to! Life is meant to be lived, right? Onward!
Craving: The chocolate roll that I left in the freezer at work. Which means I can't eat any right this second! *sniff sniff*
Loving: That book tree you see in the picture up there! It took the encouragement of some crafting-loving friends to convince me to finally try it and I am SO pleased with how it turned out. I grin every single time I walk by it! :)
Anticipating: Christmas!
November 15, 2017
Review: The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay

At its heart is a friendship. I am always blown away by how Ms. Reay seems to have such a clear understanding of how to write relationships between characters which depict the real, messy, and complicated emotions that we human beings deal with. Our relationships with the people around us aren't always easy, and so, likewise, Mary and Isabel's friendship is struggling mightily when we first meet them. The problems between them are barely understood by either, yet as they are forced into constant proximity, Mary begins to realize there is so much more to the story than just what she's seeing and experiencing. Thus by getting a change in perspective, it allows her eyes to truly be opened to her own abilities and flaws. And the growth that begins to transpire as the story builds to the climax is so beautifully written!
From the very first page, I instantly liked Mary. I understood so many of her emotions and inability to fully express them properly. I related to the fact that she feels so very much! But Isabel, on the other hand? She isn't nearly so likeable. Yet that did not deter me from wishing to see these two friends restored, somehow, because, of the many things Ms. Reay excels at, taking seemingly unlikeable characters and infusing them with humanity and heart (even if hidden deep) is certainly one such! Isabel seems to have the setup of a villain in the story, yet we understand that she isn't one. Don't get me wrong, she really does make some awful choices and acts pretty terrible several times, yet there was just something intriguing about her that made me want to change my mind. Consequently, I spent so much of her time on the page simultaneously wishing she'd go away, yet wanting to understand her better! :D
Then there's Nathan. Ah, my heart! I was so pleased whenever he'd show up. Watching he and Mary tiptoe around each other is super adorable! Especially when they stop tiptoeing and finally begin being honest. Let's just say there was many a swoonworthy moment! ;) Yet for all the cute he brings, he is also a catalyst for change. He brings abrupt change to Mary and Isabel's relationship, as well as causing Mary to begin to understand herself better. In fact, they both challenge each other in all the best (and sometimes uncomfortable) ways! I can truly root for a couple who inspire each other to growth within themselves. Their relationship balances so well between the adorable and the complicated and messy.
One of the most fascinating things about Ms. Reay's writing is her innate understanding of people. I always seem to relate to her characters, even when we have completely different tastes and opinions! Somehow I always see bits of myself in them, or even of real people I know. She interprets real life so well that we instantly connect and relate! Plus I had several instances where I had to reread certain passages numerous times, just to allow the beautiful words time to really sink into my heart. Whenever that starts happening, I know the book is truly something special!
I read and reread so many paragraphs, I was thoroughly swept up into Mary's life and dearly wishing such an Austen-themed experience actually existed! I fell in love with the sweetness of the romance, and not to mention the side characters...! Oh, how could I forget how much I adored Benson and Moira and Gertrude! Especially Gertrude. I loved how one true conversation with her created this instant connection that was a refuge for Mary during some distressing moments. So true of real life, how some people we just feel a kinship with immediately.
All this to say that I clearly have FEELINGS for this wonderful story! I can say nothing else but that you should read it immediately! Don't wait, don't hesitate, just read it. I can't imagine you being disappointed. :)
**I received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.
Goodreads :: Amazon :: Barnes & Noble
"When I called Dad to report, we spent fifteen minutes pondering what we could measure in skittles and how many each project might take."
"...I love books. The weight. The smell. The bigger the better. It’s a shame Encyclopedia Britannica doesn’t print all those encyclopedias anymore. Weren’t those the best?"
"...I knew I was probably still missing nuances and subtleties and most of her [Jane Austen] brilliance, but what I caught was captivating."
"This deep quiet felt as if it had been growing and solidifying for years rather than moments or hours....I felt myself expand, breathe deep. I felt myself listening."
"And I was diminishing--as one should before the size and unending grandeur of the universe. It wasn't that I was smaller or less significant; it simply felt like I didn't need to fight for a place within it or for my own protection. I simply was, and that was enough."
"Music is math, and once you understand that...How can anyone not be in awe? It's the audible expression behind the laws of the universe. It feels like the only thing, apart from God, that lives outside time. Once released, it lives on and it can make you laugh and cry, rip you apart and heal you, all within a few discrete notes strung together. And while it follows rules, express is limitless."
"It was about music, fear, voice, running away and tucking close. It was about family and swirling emotions I couldn’t name, but I felt in my heart as it pounded with each step."
November 7, 2017
Happy Release Day, The Austen Escape! {Also, you're invited...}
Happy release day to The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay!

I've actually had my copy for a couple weeks, but life prevented me from starting. Which is not all bad! Because I'm going to be reading it simultaneously with my #bookbesties starting today. Yay! (Which also means I'm planning to go straight home after writing this post and immediately beginning chapter one. Double yay!)
Also! Courtney says she's collecting questions to ask Ms. Reay, which she'll then post about once we're finished reading. So head over to her post for the details!
Meanwhile, please promise me that you'll check out her books? Believe me when I say that she's a fabulous writer!! :)
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