Hello, my lovelies! Long time no talk. I'm still here! Though I'm sure you've been in doubt. Completely understandable! Life has been....interesting for me this year and it seems so many things I love have gotten pushed to the side. And I don't like it. I keep hoping to restart blogging, as well as a few other things, but something always seems to happen to prevent it. So. Whether I'm here for a while or just a couple posts....I'm not certain. But I'm going to try and begin posting a little more regularly again! Hope with me, how about it? :)
Meanwhile, on to the mini reviews...

The opportunity to review this one came up and it intrigued me. It's a story very much out of my usual comfort zone, but that can be a good thing! So I said "Why not?", and here I am, striving for words to describe my feelings. It's an interesting premise for sure! I absolutely must commend Ms. Coble for creating this very Gothic atmosphere, for one thing. I could feel the same unease and confusion about everything that Alanna was feeling. I wasn't certain what was going on exactly and I knew it didn't feel quite right. So kudos to her for affecting my emotions so vividly! It was enough to keep me turning the pages to find out how it all would end.
Yet I have to admit to not quite enjoying the entire story at the same time. Alanna bugged me several times, with how she'd react to things. And overall, the weirdness of the plot just wasn't something I found very pleasing. It was simply a bit too odd for my liking, I suppose. I've never been a huge fan of Gothic-type stories, but I was hoping this one would be an exception. Sadly, not. But if you enjoy those sorts of stories yourself, this may just be right up your alley! Especially if eerie and atmospheric mysteries fascinate you. :)
**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

I have to hand it to Ms. Connealy. She was able to convince this non-western-reader to read a western and thoroughly enjoy myself! :) And how she did it was her brand of humor. I laughed so many times during this story! (Probably even during moments that aren't supposed to be funny exactly, but so many lines just tickled my funny bone. :) My favorite bits are watching Justin and Angie dance around their attraction. They slowly began opening up to each other and the sweetness of their interactions just made my heart swoon.
The mystery aspects are sufficiently mysterious and the cast of characters are simply wonderful (except for the villains, naturally ;). I loved the Boden family as a whole! They rank high on my list of favorite families now because the way they love and care for each other is so completely heart-warming. I also have to say that, as I haven't read book one yet, I was glad Ms. Connealy offered up just enough information that I wasn't entirely lost. Especially since I got the feeling things in the beginning pretty much pick up where No Way Up left off. So while I think there were a few times it would have been helpful to read the books in order, it's okay if you don't. Which I'm grateful for because now I'm ready for book one and book three! :)
**I received a complimentary copy via Bethany House. All opinions expressed are my own.
Well, a hit and a miss isn't too bad. The cover of that first one is beautiful. It tempts me.