Hello, my lovelies! This post is LONG overdue, so that means I have bunches and bunches of reviews to get posted. Hence my plan to do a couple bite-sized review posts! I've been reading a great deal (at least in spurts) this year and, with some plans coming up which will cause me to post even more sporadically than I already do, I feel the need to get these written sooner rather than later. (I'm already late enough! *wails*)

The beautiful thing about fiction is it can really surprise by finding you in an unexpected moment and breathing hope into the bits of life you were struggling within. Thank you, Ms. Laureano! This story was perfectly timed for me. :) I have learned that I love foodie stories, whether they be movies or books, so I half-expected to enjoy this one. But oh my! I was completely entranced with Rachel's predicament and slightly uncertain, at first, if I'd like her. Yet she proved herself unforgettable! And Alex...oh my heart that man made me swoon! These two characters have such distinct personalities and were such opposites (while simultaneously being alike, if that makes any sense) and the familiarity and warmth that (slowly) grew between them was wonderful. I loved every minute of watching them find commonalities, especially when it came to food, and their chemistry....!!! Oh my indeed. ;) An excellent read that I have gone back to several times since my first read-through! You should definitely check it out.

This story is super adorable!! Like the sweetest cupcake with sprinkles of laughter on top. :) I wasn't expecting to giggle so much, but Ms. Rodewald's humor was just a lot of fun. The whole story simply feels like a jolly good time, with several swoony moments to make us romantics happy! I love a romance that begins with friendship, and watching these two come together with laughter, a little embarrassment, and loads of chemistry (that they try and deny for all of two seconds...or was it three? ;) feels natural. I LOVE that Ian is the cook/baker and Kristen the disaster in the kitchen. It made for lots of cute and adorable moments between the two! Have I mentioned that I really loved this one? Multiple rereads should totally prove that, right? Trust me, if you're looking for sweet, swoony, and a quick, easy read, look no further!

Ms. Frantz consistently keeps herself on my favorite authors list! The details of the time period that she clearly spends a lot of time researching, the depth of the characters' journeys and how she makes me love them every time, the way she never fails to completely immerse me inside her story and hold me captive until the very last page. Definitely a go-to author for historical fiction! Tempe and Sion's respective journeys and the slow way they come together, all while dealing with the very real dangers of the land around them, is beautifully written. So many times I wanted to shake them or hug them or just bash their heads together and make them realize that all their denials were silly! Reading a Laura Frantz novel is an experience. One that will sweep you away to rough, raw, beautiful Kentucke, pull at your heartstrings, and make sure you never forget the adventure.

This was a reread, but I'd totally forgotten several details because it's been years since I last read it! One thing I was certain of and that had not changed, though? How much I love Anne Shirley! She is one of the most unforgettable characters ever written, in my humble opinion. How anyone can not love her is beyond me. :) Yet I was also impressed, reading this as adult now, with the lush imagery that Ms. Montgomery uses. That may put some readers off, I can imagine, but not me! I loved the vivid descriptions and how clearly I could picture every scene. But my favorite? Is the characters! Not only Anne, herself, but Marilla, and Matthew, and Mrs. Rachel Lynde, and Diana, and Gilbert, and oh, just everyone! I fell in love with all the characters! Just as I figured would. They are enduring and remarkable, and oh so utterly wonderful. Now I can't wait to reread the rest of the series!

I was in need of a sweet romance to read and this was perfect! The only downside is it made me hungry. ;) I love foodie stories though and this one only added to the appeal of them. These two characters require some patience as the slow build up of their friendship, which in turn forces them to be honest about their attraction, feels natural with just the right amount of progression. Both have some pain to work through and the beautiful way they inspired each other to press forward was lovely to watch. I loved that their relationship caused each unexpected growth and by the end, both had learned a great deal and become a better version of their self. Also their chemistry was pretty swoony too! Always a plus. ;) I look forward to reading more by Ms. Tomlinson and sooner rather than later, I hope!

First of all, Emma Thompson was perfect at the narrator of this audiobook! Second of all, I can't believe it's taken me this long to finally finish this. I started reading a paperback copy a couple years ago, but somehow got stopped and hadn't picked it back up again. Silly me! This is certainly Jane Austen at her best! (But then, I could say that about all her books, I think. :) I loved Catherine and her naivete. She's simply a really sweet and personable girl and I could easily see why Mr. Tilney became smitten with her. As for Mr. Tilney himself? ALL the heart-eyes! Definitely one of Ms. Austen's swooniest heroes and I am officially a big fan of his. I laughed, I swooned, and just thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Austen's crackling wit. Once I finished, I promptly wanted to turn right around and listen to it again! Have I mentioned how much I love Jane Austen?
Looks like you’ve been reading some cute ones. Glad to see you posting a bit more.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a while since I read Saturday Night Supper Club, but I remember enjoying it. Anxious to see what comes next in this series. :)