I do have to admit that there were several times I just wanted to shake a few of the characters. Especially Ty. He has SO much love and care right around him and he can't see it. At all. Thank goodness his friends had more patience with him than I had! Then there's his relationship with Journey. Up and down and all around they had to go before both of them were in the right place at the right time. It was hard to read a few paragraphs, particularly the moments when Ty was letting his pain overtake every other part of his life. Yet Journey never truly gave up hope. Her resilience and strength are pretty amazing.
I think my favorite part of the story was the five friendships at the heart of it all. They know each other so well, yet find themselves totally missing crucial things about one another. Which is so typical of long-held friendships, isn't it? They take work and effort and sometimes we simply don't have it in us to see beyond our own pain and into someone else's. Especially if that someone is a best friend. So it is for these five. They all have to stumble a lot before they can begin to truly become the best versions of themselves, the version that the other friends need. And of course, just when all that seemed primed to come to a climax and I was excited to see where they would all go from here, the book ended! On a cliffhanger!! So not nice, Ms. Gray. Because now I'm all anxious for book two!! And I have to wait. *wails* ;)
I also have to mention that there were occasions when the emotions ran rampant enough that I began to feel it was a bit much. I needed to take a few breathers from it. But now that Ty and Journey are both in a better place, I hope they'll provide some stability for the others in book two. I shall look forward to seeing them all begin to feel more peace within themselves!
**I received a complimentary copy via the author. All opinions expressed are my own.
"I never cared about your last name, Ty. Only the character of the man who wore it."
If we are sons and daughters of a mighty God, why do we live our life as orphans?
I felt completely alone when I had everyone I needed just waiting for me to call for help.
There was a time when art was untarnished, when it brought joy, safety, and peace to her heart.
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