Hello my lovelies! I decided to join in the Top Ten Tuesday mayhem this week. Usually I struggle coming up with a complete list, which is why I rarely participate. But not this day! This day......okay yeah. Enough with the movie quotes. (If you know that small reference though, kudos to you!)
Top Ten Tuesday originates over at The Broke and the Bookish, where those ladies love lists. (Who doesn't?!) And today's topic is underrated books or authors in ____________ genre. So yeah, I had to vary that a little bit. I couldn't come up with a list of ten under just one genre, so......
Here is my list of Ten Underrated Authors (and/or Books) Who I Do Not Think Get Enough Love (in no particular order):

2- Sherwood Smith - Her Crown and Court Duel books are some of my absolute favorites! She's great at fantasy. And her heroines are always lots of fun. WAY more people need to realize her awesomeness.
3- Megan Whalen Turner - Speaking of awesomeness, this lady is AMAZING! She has written some of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She somehow had the ability to make me start a book that halfway through I thought was 'meh' and be completely enthralled and blown away by the ending!! You may have heard of her, but have you actually read any of her books? If not, YOU SHOULD REMEDY THAT IMMEDIATELY. And trust me. You'll love Gen. He's one of a kind.

5- Jennifer Rogers Spinola - Her southern series is so real. So true to life, yet fun. Watching this city girl from Tokyo handle living in the south, a completely alien culture to her, is amusing. Yet the issues Shiloh has to deal with throughout the series are hard and life-changing. More people should know about this series.

7- Erynn Mangum - She started with humorous chick-lit type stories, but tried her hand at YA mystery a couple years ago. And does really well in both genre's! To be able to write different things is a mark of an excellent writer in my opinion. Plus I always laugh during her stories! Seriously, go find a book of hers and try it.
8- Wendelin Van Draanen - Have you read The Running Dream? It is an exceptional story about a young girl who gets part of her leg amputated and must deal with the fallout. It's not easy, yet Ms. Van Draanen writes the hard parts interspersed with moments of encouragement and sweetness. It's an incredible journey to take with Jessica and so worth it!

10- Serena Chase - I have only one thing to say about her. Read her Eyes of E'veria series! Don't wait. Go read them now!
So what about you? Any underrated books or authors that you'd recommend for me? :)
Hmmm....I have me some authors to check out!
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad I could add to your tbr pile, Alyssa! ;)
DeleteYes! Amber... what a wonderful top pick, Kara. Cannot wait to read How a Star Falls, that's for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteYes! I am beyond excited for November to get here. How a Star Falls will be lovely, I'm sure! :) Amber is such a wonderful writer, isn't she?
DeleteI completely agree on Amber and Serena! The rest just got added to my reading list. :)
ReplyDeleteAmber and Serena are fabulous writers. So glad you agree, Bluerose! And I'm always happy when I can help add to someone's tbr pile. :D
DeleteSO honored to be included, dear friend - thank you for the love! ♥ (And thank you to Rissi and Bluerose, as well, for the sweet comments!) Definitely agree about Serena's series..and I think that's the only other author I know on your list. Love that you introduce your blog followers to a variety of authors. :) So grateful to you for introducing me to Natalie Lloyd and A Snicker of Magic! It was a perfect transition/moving-time read.
ReplyDeleteHave you read Thorn by Intisar Khanani? That one is quite intense and wonderful!
You deserve it, Amber! I'm always happy to be able to spread the news about your awesomeness. Cannot wait for How a Star Falls!!
DeleteYes, it's certainly a variety, isn't it? I think I covered ten different genre's up there! ;) And yay! Natalie Lloyd is so wonderful. I was pleased to have someone else to gush about her book with me!
I haven't heard of that one, but you can bet I'll check it out. Thanks for the rec! :)
I think the only one I've heard of on your list is Wendelin Van Draanen. You'll be happy to know The Running Dream was one of the Truman Award Winners last year--so a lot of people are reading it in Missouri! :) Thanks for introducing me to some great new authors! I couldn't think of any off the top of my head right now that I haven't reviewed on my blog, but I'll think of something.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome to hear! Thanks for sharing. The Running Dream definitely deserves the accolades. It's such a wonderful story! :) And I hope you get the chance to read some of these authors someday. They're all fabulous, but I suggest starting with Megan Whalen Turner. Love her books!
DeleteWill do, thanks for the suggestion.
DeleteAnytime! :)