So! On to the questions, shall we? {There are several of them, and you know how I tend to get wordy, so beware the lengthiness of this post! Ye have been warned. Also! I did refer back to some of my answers from last time, so....}
1. Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random!
I'm Kara. I'm a reader. (Obviously.) I moved back to my home state within the last year, after living 3000 miles away. And let me just say that the last year has been full of change! So it's made for a very interesting life. I'm happy to be back though, and closer to my mother who's health isn't that great. And I'm slowly finding my new normal. Which is good. :)
2. What, to you, forms the essence of a true heroine?
Someone who has enough quirks to make them feel real, who has a heart full of wonder and joy at the beauty of the world and the people in it, who goes through adversity and comes out stronger on the other side, and who has a story to tell that doesn't ever grow old. {Yes, same answer as before, but I think it bears repeating because it's true!}
3. Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to.
Anne Elliot from Jane Austen's Persuasion
4. Five of your favorite historical novels?
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
5. Out of those five books who is your favorite major character and why?
I could mention Anne Elliot again, but I'll go with someone different just so you won't get bored with my answers. :) So, John Thornton from North and South it is! I know I gushed about him all during our January read-along, but seriously. This guy is amazing! I just love how steadfast he is. How much he loves Margaret and chooses to love her no matter who or what else may be against it. Margaret's rejection, his mother's scorn of Margaret, nothing will change his mind. He accepts how his heart has changed him and determines to love her always. The man is a swoonworthy hero if ever I saw one! I also love how much time we spend in his head, so that we truly come to know and understand his motivations and his heart. He's awesome! :)
{I know. He's a hero, not a heroine. But I just love him so much!}
6. Out of those five books who is your favorite secondary character and why?
I love Nicholas Higgins from North and South! He's so gruff and set in his ways, but he comes to know Margaret Hale and her family, as well as John Thornton, and he allows these people to help change him. Or at least to change his opinion and how he feels about life as a cotton mill worker. He and Thornton's slow building friendship is one of my very favorite aspects of the story. He's simply a good man.
I love that he takes Boucher's children in. And he's got a great head on his shoulders! I think that's what Mr. Thornton didn't realize about him at first. Nicholas has a very good sense of right and wrong. He also understands people really well. For all his rough talk, he sees what Margaret's heart is when she approaches he and Bessy about bringing them flowers when they first meet. And what he wanted to happen with the union was actually pretty smart. He was seeking ways to get masters and millworkers to work with one another. And he's honest and upright in all he does. You always know where you stand with him. Sometimes a little too well! :D But I think that's what Mr. Thornton finally saw and came to appreciate. {This passage is from my answer during the read-along.}
{Again with a hero. Sorry! Guess I've got North and South still on my brain.}
7. If you were to plan out your dream vacation, where would you travel to - and what would you plan to do there?
England, and I'd love to visit all of the significant Jane Austen spots.
8. What is your favorite time period and culture to read about?
Regency England
9. You have been invited to perform at the local charity concert. Singing, comedy, recitation, tap dancing… what is your act comprised of?
Preferably helping behind the scenes in some way. Not a spotlight sort of gal!
10. If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent?
Anne Shirley. Not sure I could rock the red hair, but I'd love to attempt to use all the big words she loves! :)
11. Favorite author(s)?
Impossible to list them all! But here's a few: Jane Austen, Katherine Reay, Erynn Mangum, Julianne Donaldson, Marissa Meyer, Serena Chase, Julie Klassen, Laura Frantz, Lisa McKay, L.M. Montgomery, Jennifer E. Smith, Megan Whalen Turner, Lindsey Leavitt, Melina Marchetta....and many, many more!
12. In which century were most of the books you read written?
The 21st century
13. In your opinion, the ultimate hero in all literature is…
I don't know about ultimate, but Captain Wentworth is definitely a favorite!
14. In your opinion, the most dastardly villain of all literature is...
15. Describe your ideal dwelling place.
My only requirement is to have space for lots and lots of books. :)
16. Sum up your fashion style in a short sentence.
17. Three favorite Non-fiction books?
Love at the Speed of Email by Lisa McKay
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Front of the Class by Brad Cohen
18. Your duties met for the day, how would you choose to spend a carefree summer afternoon?
With a good book, of course! :)
19. Create a verbal sketch of your dream hat - in such a way as will best portray your true character.
Oh goodness, I have no idea. I don't wear hats. Although I admit that I admire them on others. The biggest requirement, I suppose, is that it be comfortable. I am all about wearing comfy things, people! :)
20. Share the most significant event(s) that have marked your life in the past year.
Moving! Trust me when I say that change is never easy and after living away from home for 12 years, moving back again has been a major change.
21. Share the Bible passage(s) that have been most inspiring to you recently.
"There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there..." Hosea 2:15 amp
Kara, I adore that you chose Mr. Thornton as your hero! I don't know why I didn't choose him - or even think of him for that matter. I enjoyed reading all your answers! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sarah! And Mr. Thornton is simply amazing. So glad you agree! I could probably gush about him for hours, but I'll refrain. :D
DeleteThis was so much fun to read:) It's great to find people with similar interests and learn their opinions on them. God Bless you:)
ReplyDeleteThank you! And I agree completely. Finding people who enjoy what you enjoy, so you can talk about it with someone who understands is simply awesome. That's what I've loved about blogging! Finding so many of those someone's. :)
DeleteAnd she shall sing there. GORGEOUS, KARA! What an evocative verse you've chosen. I'll have to keep it in mind for sure and check it out in the Word.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like fun :-) Maybe I should join in... We'll see.
England seems to be such a charming place. I'd like to visit it, too! And yes to comfort!
I'm pretty sure the answer you've given to question 2 describes you. I've always thought it was very admirable of you to choose to go back and take care of your mom even as you remain your positive, wonderful self. Pretty sure you're stronger than you think. Am continually believing that God will keep you and yours in His grace, mercy and peace.
Isn't that a great verse, Ganise? I loved it when I stumbled across it via a devotional I was reading.
DeleteI'm so glad you joined in! Can't wait to go over and comment on all your fun answers. :)
Thank you, my friend. I appreciate those words. Although I should note that I somehow find plenty of time to complain some days (at least in my head), so I'm far from being the perfect, chipper daughter every week unfortunately. Just thankful that God doesn't give up on us!
Lies. All lies. YOU are the coolest person ever!
ReplyDeleteThe truth will out.
I've started reading N&S. Just so you know :-)
HA! The truth is already out, my dear Hamlette. Not gonna change it. ;)
DeleteYou did?! And here I figured it would be months before you'd get to it! Shall I dare ask what you think so far?
These were fun to read!:D
ReplyDeleteJohn Thornton and North and South forever and ever!;)
I love how you summed up your fashion sense-that's basically me=D
(And you listed The Hobbit as a favorite historical novel! *high five*)
*high five back* Thank you, Arwen! And I loved The Hobbit. I only just read it last year and it is definitely a new favorite. :)
DeleteAgreed! John Thornton and N&S are AMAZING! :D
Yes...Margaret Hale is indeed a fabulous heroine and now I'm more excited than ever to read the book - I truly loved the BBC miniseries!
ReplyDeleteSuch fun answers and it was lovely to stop by your blog, Kara!
And I do so appreciate your comment on mine - I'm glad we share the same opinion on dearest Gilbert Blythe;)
Blessings and love!
The N&S miniseries is awesome, isn't it Kelly-Anne?! It is at the top of my list of favorites. And the book is wonderful. I hope you enjoy it! :)
DeleteGilbert is just....there are no words for how much I love that guy. We are definitely of the same opinion on him! :D
Thank you so much for stopping by. I so appreciate it!
You Cannot Be Blamed For Having N&S On The Brain. (I totally empathize. It can't be helped.....all else pales. ;)) And I feel exactly the same about CW. I haven't been sure about listing him as an "ultimate" hero, but I like him so much (and since I reread the book recently) I've come to realize just how much his willingness to turn around and let go of his bitterness is "ultimate-hero-worthy" material. So yes, I think he MOST definitely counts! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased someone else understands! Thank you, Heidi. N&S is simply amazing, is it not?! :D
DeleteAnd yes! I so agree with you there. CW's willingness to change and let go is so very lovely. And pretty swoonworthy too! I just love that he sees how remarkable Anne is, right from the very beginning eight years ago. And even in his bitterness, he still can't deny that. *melts* :)
"CW" standing for Captain Wentworth....my apologies, I've been referring to him in short-hand lately. :)
ReplyDeleteHa! No worries! I figured it out, but thanks for clarifying. Completely understandable! :D
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely wonderful how Mr. Higgins takes Boucher's children under his wing! And (I'm not sure if this scene is in the book or not) but the part where Thornton comes to Higgin's house? I just love it!
Yes! Yes yes yes! Eowyn, I completely agree. That moment is so wonderful. It's where we first begin to see the beginnings of their friendship and every time I watch that scene it just makes me grin. I love it too!
DeleteI found that passage of scripture very beautiful! I'm so pleased you shared, as I will soon be looking it up myself. It has been some time since I've read Hosea.
ReplyDeleteSo many people listed Anne Eliot on the heroine list that it has put Persuasion on my "To ReRead" list. I received a pretty new copy for Christmas and I'm beginning to look forward to opening it!
I'm so glad it encouraged you, Skyeler! It was a happy accident that I stumbled across it and it simply inspires me to keep going. :)
DeleteOh, you simply must read Persuasion again! Especially if you now have a pretty new copy. I love multiple copies of my favorite stories; I currently own three of Persuasion.