If the path set before her feet was to be narrow, she knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. ~L.M. Montgomery
December 23, 2012
Joy is..........
Joy is packing my suitcase in preparation for going home for Christmas! I know I've only mentioned it about a dozen times in the last month, but I'm really excited to go home. :D Part of it is just the fact that I'm like a little kid when it comes to looking forward to a trip, and part of it is getting to see all of my family again. Plus it's always fun to have several days off work. :) So here's hoping the weather is nice for traveling tomorrow, and that my flights are all on time. And off I go......
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
Have A Merry Merry Christmas!
{Warning: Talk of trips and Christmas and babies ahead, so lots of exclaiming (and parentheses!) and nonsensical blathering is pretty much guaranteed. You've been warned. Read at your own risk!}
Christmas is almost here! And that means I'm off to VA on Monday. So tomorrow will be filled with packing and heading up to the airport. Monday morning bright and early (entirely too early!) I should be winging my way through the air to spend Christmas with my family.
I admit one of the things I'm looking forward to is getting to sleep in on Christmas morning. One of my brothers has to travel from out of state also, so we're not doing our family Christmas until Friday. Therefore on Christmas day, mom and dad and I are planning to take it easy. I'm really hoping to sleep in because after a day of traveling over two time zones, sleep will be wonderful! (Plus I just really like not having to get out of bed. Especially on vacation!) :)
Another thing I'm really looking forward to (besides seeing my nieces and nephews of course), is meeting a new little one who will only be two weeks old! A very dear friend had a new baby just last week, so I can't wait to meet him. New babies are so precious and wonderful! There are also a few other friends and their children I'm hoping to catch up with. Not to forget the aforementioned nieces and nephews who are wonderful and fun and all things awesome!
After getting caught up with all my friends and their babies, Friday is our family Christmas. Then Saturday is a big family Christmas with my cousins and aunts and uncles. I haven't been to this family gathering in a few years, so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again. :) And then I'm flying back home again the following Monday. A few plans but not too many, yet I know this trip will absolutely fly by! No matter how long I plan a trip, they always go really, really quickly. Does anyone else have this problem? :)
If you've been faithfully keeping up with my month of photo-a-day challenges, I hope you've been enjoying it. I really want to complete the entire month, but I'm not too sure I'll remember every day that I'm gone. Plus my parents don't have internet access. (I know! Hard to believe, right? But my dad can't even check his voice mail on his cell phone (don't even bother to text him) and can barely figure out how to turn the computer on much less actually do anything on there, so imagine trying to explain the world wide web to him!) (I've tried explaining Facebook, and he just looks at me all confused until I give up.) Needless to say, I'm not certain whether any posting will get done while I'm there, but if I remember and I'm able to, I'll check in and post at least a picture or two.
I think one of my new year's resolutions is going to be blogging more faithfully. And getting more reading done and posting more reviews! :D I'm planning to get some books read on the airplane, so when I return there should definitely be a good start to my resolution.
Anyway, I sincerely hope you have a very, very, very Merry Christmas! Thanks for joining me in this craziness I like to call my brain. :D Until next time......
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 22, 2012
What better decoration this time of year than the Nativity scene? A beautiful little boy born, both God and man, with his life already planned out. I often wonder exactly what Mary and Joseph were thinking as they watched him grow. It always amazes me when I think about Mary, how she was willing to do whatever God wanted no matter the cost to her. It can't have been easy, especially knowing others around wouldn't understand and wouldn't see her the same anymore. Yet she immediately accepted the angel Gabriel's words and was more than willing to be used for God's glory. Because of her submission to God, Jesus was born and makes our lives so tremendously better today! It's a wonderful story, and a beautiful and awesome thing to celebrate every year and each moment of our lives! May God be glorified in my life and yours this Christmas. Merry Christmas! :D
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 21, 2012
This is not our tree. Just to let you know up front. I saw it last night and thought it was pretty. Plus I've been showing bits and pieces of our tree in several pics already, so here's something different! We never had a Christmas tree when I was growing up, but my roommate always puts one up every year and I really love it! There's just something so cheery about a bright Christmas tree in your living room. :)
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 20, 2012
This is what the weather is supposed to be like on Christmas day back home. (Sorry for the blurry pic, computers and camera phones don't mix well.) Not snow but rain! Actually I won't be sad if it doesn't snow. Virginia doesn't get tons of snow typically anyway, and no snow means travel will be easier. Plus I love taking walks in the rain at mom and dad's. Their house is surrounded by a yard that turns really green when it gets wet. I'm one of those weird people that like to walk when it's raining (with an umbrella of course! I don't want to get soaking wet.). But there's just something wonderful in listening to it rain as you walk along. It's refreshing and makes every thing seem cleaner. I know, I'm strange. I admit it. :) I love it when it rains! What about you?
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 19, 2012
Something Beginning With 'S'
A snowman! My roommate decorated with snowmen for a few years, our whole house was covered with them. She has different stuff this year, but a few snowmen are still around, like this one. :) No actual snow here, it would shock us all if it started snowing! No snow at mom and dad's either and I'm hoping it stays that way. Makes travel a lot easier when the weather is nice.
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
It Came Upon a Wednesday Hodgepodge!
1. How will you spend 'the night before Christmas'?
I will be snug as a bug in a rug in my old bed at mom and dad's after spending the day in airports and airplanes. (Hoping and hoping that the weather is good and there are no problems with any of my flights!)
2. What is one thing you are not?
A morning person! No matter what time I go to bed the night before, I still don't want to get up in the morning. I'm not really grumpy in the mornings though. (Usually anyway, but I can't guarantee a bright smile first thing.) It's actually the running joke at work not to speak to me until at least 10am, since I may not be very aware before then. I have heard a rumor that you can make yourself a morning person, but who'd want to do that? :D It might actually be possible, but so far my willpower hasn't determined to make it happen for me.
3. Fudge-are you a fan? Your favorite flavor?
Kinda a fan, I guess? I'll eat it once in a great while, but not too often. If I do eat it, I want just plain chocolate.
4. Did you attend any craft/vendor fairs in the month of December? Do you prefer homemade goodies or the more professional stalls? Are you giving any homemade gifts this year?
I did not attend any craft fairs in December, but I prefer the homemade goodies. No, I'm not giving any homemade gifts this year. Unless you count the cookies I took to work Monday to give to my co-workers. (See recipe here.)
5. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering?
Very low key. Not a large crowd, just a few friends or family. A time to relax and just enjoy being with the people there. Very casual and simple, and we can graze at the food table anytime. :)
6. We're approaching a new year...what's going to be different in 2013?
Haven't really thought about any resolutions or anything yet. But I suppose one thing would be to set a better schedule for my quiet time with God and stick to it more regularly. Another is to call my mother more often and dad too. I know they enjoy my phone calls, but with a time difference and life in general, I don't call as often as I want. I'd like to do better at that.
7. Share a favorite scripture, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to peace.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:7-8
8. Insert your own random thought here.
So last night was supposed to be a relaxing evening, but it turned into several hours spent on the phone with my family. All of a sudden it occurred to my father that we had not planned our meals for when we're all together next week. (This is a bigger deal for us because I live out of state and so does one of my brothers. And mom is unable to help much anymore.) Dad talked to one brother and got him worried too, so said brother emailed me and asked what I was thinking. Long story short, I figured out something pretty quickly. The men in my family don't cook much, so planning a meal for 16 people looks really, really huge to them!
I had thought about it recently, but wasn't worried. I remember basically what we did last year, and we'll probably do something similar. No problem at all. I spoke to my sister-in-law and she agreed with me. That's when I decided that the real problem was dad and my brothers. I believe I now have them reassured that it will all work out, but it just made me laugh! The men in my family are so clueless when it comes to cooking and meal planning. Is it that way in your family too, or are they a whiz in the kitchen?
Toodle-loo kangaroos! Due to my trip next week (and limited internet access), if there is a Wednesday Hodgepodge I won't be able to participate. I'll miss you guys! But I hope you each have a wonderful and merry Christmas! :)
December 18, 2012
Makes You Feel Merry
This is my pile of Christmas cards and pictures. Getting mail always makes me feel merry! Especially from dear friends that I don't see very often. It's so fun to hear what they've been up to and see how their children are growing. Sending out Christmas cards is time consuming and it can get pretty costly, yet it brings such joy when I open my mailbox and see envelopes addressed to me! So I try to remember that when I'm sick of folding paper and sticking on stamps and writing/typing addresses.
I also really, really love to get new pictures of my nieces and nephews! Of course I already have umpteen pictures, but one more is always welcome. :D I can't wait to see them all again, and Lord willing, in exactly one week from now I should be snug as a bug in a rug in my old bed at mom and dad's waiting for the moment I get my arms filled with little bodies. (I think I'll hug them extra tight this year on account of being thankful that I can still hug them when there are those who can't hug their children anymore.) What makes you feel merry?
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! I know I haven't reviewed anything in a while. But I plan to get a lot of reading done on the airplane, so when I'm back from my trip I'll probably bombard you with reviews! (I hope, anyway. :)
December 17, 2012
On The Floor
On my floor are my favorite pair of slippers (so warm!) right by my stack of cookbooks and crafty books. A great combo, wouldn't you say? Slippers and recipes should make you happy. :D Well they do me because I spent all yesterday afternoon wearing my comfy slippers while baking lots of cookies! And trust me, my taste buds are still tingling with joy and my feet appreciated the warmth tremendously. So here's to comfort! May your day be brimming with loads of happiness and warm fuzzies! :D
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 16, 2012
Something You Made
I spent the afternoon making cookies! Don't they look yummy? A glorious crumb mixture with caramel and chocolate in the middle. Mmmmmmm, they are my favorite cookies ever. :D In case anyone is interested, I decided to be generous and share the recipe. So here you are:
1 1/2 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
1 1/2 cups Flour
1 1/2 cups Oatmeal
1 1/2 cups Brown Sugar
1 1/2 cups Melted Butter
3/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1 container Caramel Apple Dip
1 bag Chocolate Chips
Mix dry ingredients. Then pour in butter. Mix together, this will make crumbs. Pat most (approximately 1/2 to 3/4) of the crumb mixture in a 9 X 13 pan (leave the rest of the crumbs for later). Do not grease the pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 12 minutes.
Let pan cool completely then spread as much caramel on top as you want*. Add as many chocolate chips as you want**. Then sprinkle the rest of the crumb mixture on top. Bake at 325 degrees for 12 minutes.
Serve and enjoy! :)
*-The original recipe called for the entire container of caramel dip to be used, but that was too much caramel for me. It made the cookies really sticky and hard to eat. So I just spread an amount that looks good on top.
**-The original recipe called for only 1 cup of chocolate chips, but that wasn't enough for me, so I add almost the whole bagful. You can judge for yourself based on how much you like chocolate. :)
PS-Every time I take these into work, they disappear by lunchtime. Everybody's always asking when I'll make more. So they should all be happy tomorrow when I bring them in. :)
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! Happy baking. :)
December 15, 2012
This business belongs to dear friends of mine. They had a Christmas Open House this weekend so I stopped by. Since that's about all I did outdoors today, this was the only picture I could use. I thought with the Amish buggies all lined up and by tinting the picture, it made the photo look older. Well, except for the string of modern lights there. That does kind of give it away. :D But you do see what I'm talking about, right? Anyway, that was the most exciting part of my day. (Excluding the moment when I went to start my car and it wouldn't start because I'd left my lights on, but we won't talk about that. I don't like doing stuff that makes me feel silly, yet this is not the first time I've left my lights on and my battery went dead. Sigh. You'd think I would know better by now. I am supposed to be relatively smart!) The rest of my day was here at home doing some cleaning. Yuck. We won't talk about that either! So with nothing to talk about, I'll end with a smile. :)
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! Hope you're day went better than mine!
December 14, 2012
Something Green
Okay, so it's not completely green. But I thought that ribbon was such a pretty color and it certainly stands out! In case you haven't noticed, I've been snapping photos of our Christmas decorations like crazy. (You haven't noticed, have you? That's okay. No hard feelings. :) One reason is that I love Christmas decorations. (Don't you?) Another is because you know how it is, you have something around a while and you stop really noticing it. Of course I noticed the decorations the day they first went up, but now a couple weeks in, I don't really see them all anymore. I mean I see them but I don't see them. You know what I'm saying? :D Probably not, but anyhoo, having to go around and look for photo opportunities, I've been looking a lot closer at what we have out. It's actually been a lot of fun! The downside? Cody (the dog) has noticed them too. Tonight when I got home from work, he had gotten out sometime this afternoon and had proceeded to show his appreciation for the decorations, and especially the tree! Needless to say, there are a few less ornaments adorning our Christmas tree now. Dogs. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. They really keep life interesting! ;D
Do you have a favorite ornament you would be horrified for a dog to destroy?
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 13, 2012
I tried going out and taking a picture of someone's Christmas lights on their house, but I couldn't get a decent picture. So you get these lights instead!
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday. :)
December 12, 2012
Hat (on 12/12/12)
Yes, this is an Angry Bird hat. It belongs to my roommate; I knew I wouldn't get her to model it for me and there was no way that I was putting it on for a picture, so you just get the hat by itself. But isn't it cute? If you can call the face of an angry bird cute. It does make me laugh when I look at it though! :D
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! (Or should I say angry birds? ;)
A Sparkly Wednesday Hodgepodge (on 12/12/12!)
1. So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?
I'll have to pick the stroll along the beach. My birthday happened to hit a Saturday this year and I decided that surely I could get some friends to do something fun with me that weekend. So four of us went over to the ocean for the day (about a two hour drive, I love that I live so close!). We sat on the beach for a while; they napped, I read; and then we took a walk.
First we had to wait for the tide to go out again so we could go around this rock.
Then we had to pause again so I could snap another photo or ten (I always take dozens of pictures at the ocean, it's just so beautiful). I happened to catch this one just right to get the birds flying!
Once we were around the bend, we happened upon a cave! It didn't go very far in and there was nothing but sand in there. My friend told me to turn around and snap a photo from this angle, so I did and loved the way it turned out. :)
The ocean is so calming, I could sit there for hours just listening to the waves. Definitely one of my favorite places to visit! :)
2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?
I already sent out my annual Christmas poem. I mailed around 120 of them on Saturday after Thanksgiving. I know if I don't get them out early, it won't happen at all the closer we get to Christmas. I don't display the cards I receive. (I simply don't have the space.) But I do display the pictures I get! On a bulletin board. In January sometime I take down all the pictures from last year and replace them with the new ones. I have no idea how many I receive, but I love receiving every single one of them. It's so fun to see the children growing up and hear how everyone is doing. :)
3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?
How about a phrase? "Knock it off". This is told many, many, many, many times to my roommate's dog. Cody is very mischievous and does not always listen well.
4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?
I love hot chocolate! Plain please. Chocolate is delish just by itself. I never have marshmallows on hand, so never put them in. But if they're offered at someone else's house, I don't turn them down.
5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?
Honestly I don't have much to do, so my Christmas season hasn't really been hectic. I imagine my mother will have things for me to do when I get back there, so you'll have to ask me then. I may feel differently about this question after my trip!
6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?
Well, right now the only sort of sparkly thing in my room is the wrapper on the chocolate truffle I got from my Secret Santa. Does that count?
7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.
Joy to the world, the LORD is come!!!!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I went to a Christmas dinner tonight and was talking about looking forward to going home for Christmas. (My trip is only a couple weeks away!) That made me think about my nieces and nephews and how excited I am to see them all again and to get my required bear hug from each one. I remembered this picture I saw recently.
I'll have to pick the stroll along the beach. My birthday happened to hit a Saturday this year and I decided that surely I could get some friends to do something fun with me that weekend. So four of us went over to the ocean for the day (about a two hour drive, I love that I live so close!). We sat on the beach for a while; they napped, I read; and then we took a walk.
First we had to wait for the tide to go out again so we could go around this rock.
Then we had to pause again so I could snap another photo or ten (I always take dozens of pictures at the ocean, it's just so beautiful). I happened to catch this one just right to get the birds flying!
Once we were around the bend, we happened upon a cave! It didn't go very far in and there was nothing but sand in there. My friend told me to turn around and snap a photo from this angle, so I did and loved the way it turned out. :)
The ocean is so calming, I could sit there for hours just listening to the waves. Definitely one of my favorite places to visit! :)
2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?
I already sent out my annual Christmas poem. I mailed around 120 of them on Saturday after Thanksgiving. I know if I don't get them out early, it won't happen at all the closer we get to Christmas. I don't display the cards I receive. (I simply don't have the space.) But I do display the pictures I get! On a bulletin board. In January sometime I take down all the pictures from last year and replace them with the new ones. I have no idea how many I receive, but I love receiving every single one of them. It's so fun to see the children growing up and hear how everyone is doing. :)
3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?
How about a phrase? "Knock it off". This is told many, many, many, many times to my roommate's dog. Cody is very mischievous and does not always listen well.
4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?
I love hot chocolate! Plain please. Chocolate is delish just by itself. I never have marshmallows on hand, so never put them in. But if they're offered at someone else's house, I don't turn them down.
5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?
Honestly I don't have much to do, so my Christmas season hasn't really been hectic. I imagine my mother will have things for me to do when I get back there, so you'll have to ask me then. I may feel differently about this question after my trip!
6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?
Well, right now the only sort of sparkly thing in my room is the wrapper on the chocolate truffle I got from my Secret Santa. Does that count?
7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.
Joy to the world, the LORD is come!!!!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I went to a Christmas dinner tonight and was talking about looking forward to going home for Christmas. (My trip is only a couple weeks away!) That made me think about my nieces and nephews and how excited I am to see them all again and to get my required bear hug from each one. I remembered this picture I saw recently.
December 11, 2012
I decided to showcase the chocolate I received yesterday in my Secret Santa gift! (Plus the little bag they came wrapped in. Isn't it cute?) Mmmmmmmmm. :) I can't wait to try it. I love chocolate, especially milk chocolate. But I only have three pieces, so I have to savor each bite as I have no way of getting more. Well, I suppose I might could order online, who knows? But since they're called a Utah Truffle, perhaps they're only available in Utah? Regardless, I plan to enjoy them! What's your favorite sweet?
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
Secret Santa Exchange

{Yes, I do realize that it's still the beginning of December and Christmas isn't here yet. But I couldn't wait until Christmas! I'm just not that patient!}
{Also, be warned. There is much gushing and word vomit ahead.}
I participated in a Secret Santa Exchange this year (obviously) and got my gift today in the mail. When I opened the mailbox and saw my name on the package, I was quite excited. This lovely little envelope that was obviously full of good stuff was sitting there, just tempting me to open it up. I did of course. And I wanted to share my treasures with you! (Or more like show you the pictures of my treasures.)
In a funny (but awesome!) coincidence, it turned out that my Secret Santa was Suey of It's All About Books. I say funny because she's the one who told me about the Exchange in the first place. (I really like her blog, she does wonderful reviews. You should click over and check it out.) She posted back in November that she was going to participate in this and I thought, "That sounds like fun. I think I'll try it!" And it turns out that she ended up with my name. But I'm not complaining. Nosiree! Not in the least. She was an awesome Santa for me. I'm absolutely thrilled with everything she sent. A marvelous job, Suey. Completely marvelous! :)
Now onward to the photos:
First, here's everything all together. I totally meant to get a before picture, but was so excited that I'd ripped up the wrapping paper before I remembered. (You can see parts of it sticking out of the envelope down toward the bottom of the picture.) Ah well. Can you believe all that fit into that little white padded envelope? It was well packed. :)
The book she sent is Enthusiasm (my mini review) by Polly Shulman. I love this book! And the cover is so fun. I originally borrowed it from the library and had to give it back no matter how much I wanted to keep it. I do have it on my Kindle now, but I've really, really been wanting the actual book to hold in my hands. (Yes, I'm one of those people that has multiple copies of a book so I can read it anywhere. My Kindle version is wonderful when I'm away from home, and this one will be wonderful when I'm laying in bed wanting something cute and fluffy to read.) So I am beyond thrilled with this!! :D The other is a journal. I love journals. I don't write all the time, but occasionally I need to get my thoughts down on paper, and when I get inspired I need a spot to write my poetry before it disappears from my brain. I love the daisies on the front. It looks so bright and cheerful. Can't wait to fill it up. :)
Next is three cute bookmarks. I can always use more of those as I constantly lose the current one I'm using. I'm sure they're all here at home somewhere, but when I'm getting ready to put a book aside for a bit, of course I can never find one. So these are great. And they're yellow to boot! My favorite color. :) There is also a Christmas chapstick, which is cute. And chocolate! Something called a Utah Truffle. Never had it before, but you can never go wrong with chocolate! :D
Lastly, is the homemade card she sent with a sweet note inside. Also a giftcard to Amazon! That will absolutely be used and probably very soon too. It will be perfect for downloading a new book to read on the airplane as I fly home for Christmas. Now I just have to narrow down exactly what book I want. What fun! :)
Well, that's it. All I can say is "Wow!". Suey did an excellent job and I love it all. It was so much fun to open my first Christmas present this year. It made my Monday a whole lot happier and made me a whole lot smilier! :D So thank you Suey! Words can't express my gratitude for doing such a wonderful job as my Secret Santa. I hope the gift you receive is just as wonderful. :)
And I hope all my blog readers are having a glorious Christmas season so far. If you had to make a list of books you'd like for Christmas, what would be on your number one spot?
Toodle-loo kangaroos! Merry Christmas! :)
December 10, 2012
This is Cody. (Again. Can you tell I think he's pretty cute?) Under the chair. One of his favorite spots. He's not actually supposed to go under there because he's notorious for chewing on the chair bottom, but I had to snap a photo when I saw him this time. He's just so adorable! Don't worry, I got after him after I took this picture and made sure he came out. But it's really, really hard to stay mad at that little face of his that just begs for some love. Dogs. They sure know how to wrap their humans around their paws! :) (After the fact was when I realized I had the perfect picture for today's challenge.)
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos!
December 9, 2012
Out & About
Well, still sticking with the Christmas theme. Isn't this cute? I thought so. Just hanging by someone's front door. Very cheerful and Christmasy! :)
On a side note, last night was the final night of the Journey to Bethlehem. No rain this week! And I remembered all my lines! Double yay! :) I'm so tired today that I'm glad it's over, but it was great fun. I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed it. Especially how much I did not get nervous. I figured I'd be nervous the whole time, talking in front of people, but it really wasn't bad at all. Definitely a wonderful start to December. And only a couple weeks left until Christmas! Do you have all your shopping done yet?
December Photo A Day Challenge: Everyday people all around the world look at the list, and take a photo according to the date. So on the 1st of December we’ll take a photo at 8 o’clock {am or pm, doesn’t matter}. So whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 8 – take a photo. And then share it. Then upload it to Facebook {your own page, or my Facebook page}, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, Tumblr – where ever you please. If you’re sharing to Instagram or Twitter – use the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Toodle-loo kangaroos! I hope you've had a wonderful weekend! :)
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